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OneTeamGov Canada: Unconference Volunteer Guide
We’re excited to welcome you to the 2019 Ottawa One Team Gov Global Unconference team! In this Wiki you will find much of the information you will want to know before you arrive.
What is OneTeamGov Global?
You already know OneTeamGov Global is a one-day unconference in the ADDRESS, ADDRESS, ADDRESS. We’re expecting hundreds of people from different countries and we’re looking forward to a fantastic day!
We know from previous similar events - volunteers make the day! Energy, smiles and making it a lovely, smooth experience. We will need enthusiastic volunteers to help support the event and ensure everyone has a great day. Thank you for putting your hand up!!
We want volunteering to be great fun first and foremost, but also really rewarding. You get to be there for participants, to make them feel welcome and to help make it a memorable day. You’ll get a t-shirt that will let folks know you are a volunteer, please dress casually with comfortable shoes!
If you read nothing else, read this!
1. The volunteer briefing is at am on the location here (see map)
2. There will be water and coffee available in location here (see map) from times here. Click here for lunch details!
3. Registration will start at time at location (see map)
4. There is a Volunteer Room (room) where personal belongings can be stored safely. Colleen Tiernan (819-360-0852), and one other volunteer lead will have a key. There will be some light snacks available, like granola bars so you can keep your energy up!
6. Bring a device so you can stay connected (Wi-Fi is provided), and contact a member of the team if you hit a snag.
7. Role descriptions and link to the master schedule are below – check them out before you start!
8. Morning shifts are from 7:30am to 12:30pm, Afternoon shifts are from 12:30pm to 5:30pm
9. At the end of the day, as participants exist the venue, we want to make a ‘corridor of volunteers’ to thank everyone as they leave. Let’s line up at 4:45 outside of the ‘Heart’, time!
10. Read Ottawa Travel Guide put together for the event - available HERE
11. If you have ANY questions, issues, or concerns (beforehand or the day of), please contact Colleen Tiernan (819-360-0852) or Kayleigh Chaston-Vickers (506-654-3907). Don't hesitate- we are here to help!
Unconference 2019 - Volunteer Details
We’re excited to welcome you to the 2019 Ottawa One Team Gov Global Unconference team! In this Wiki you will find…..much of the information you will want to know before you arrive.
Volunteer Briefings
Before the conference: Web Ex Pre-briefings...
Day of the conference: XXX Pre-briefings (likely to ask volunteers to pre-brief in volunteer room e.g. walk through guide while Col and Kay troubleshoot etc)
Schedule of Day
Click here to see the schedule of the day / volunteer assignments
Code of Conduct
Harassment-free conference...
OneTeamGov Code of Conduct (Link here) (could also be in the top 10??)
Volunteer Roles - What is Expected Of Me?
Think about roles needed/how to update table from last time...update these or add or change....
Role | Description | Team Leader |
Pre-Function 2B Registration volunteers will move to a floor walkers/greeters role after |
- Registering attendees when they arrive Pre-Function 2B
- Greet and check-in attendees as they arrive - Give them a lanyard/name tag, tell them to write their name/info then grab a swag bag - Let them know there will be water and coffee in the Heart all day, and food trucks for lunch Additional notes: *You will check-in attendees by iPad *Swag bags will be ready on tables behind registration volunteers |
Ashley Evans
Call/text -> 204-228-7373 Walkie-talkie |
Floor Walkers/Greeters
Distributed on both the 1st and 2nd floor |
- This is a role for interacting with our guests and answering any questions they may have about the event/venue
- Directing people to rooms, washrooms, refreshments (familiarize yourself with the floor plans) - Helping with questions that might come up, running and fetching things as required *We ask that you to space yourselves out around the venue |
Colleen Tiernan
Call/text -> 819 360 0852 Walkie-talkie |
Heart Volunteers
In the Heart – Salon A-B |
- The Heart is a space to convene and to CONNECT, REFLECT, and INTEGRATE. The day will be opened and closed there.
- Throughout the day, the heart is an open space with a variety of activities for conversations, creativity, and quiet reflection such as a meditation space, Serious Lego, colouring and campfire conversations - This is a role for interacting with our guests and answering any questions they may have about the activities - Directing people to rooms, washrooms, refreshments (familiarize yourself with the floor plans) - Helping with questions that might come up, running and fetching things as required |
Joël Bourgeoys
Call/text -> 613-415-8036 Walkie-talkie |
Accessibility Support | - Some of our attendees have special kinds
of needs, so you may be allocated to provide support, or to be generally available to help out, if that’s what our attendees prefer *This will be a bit of a “flex on the day as needed” kind of a role |
Colleen Tiernan
Call/text -> 819 360 0852 Walkie-talkie |
Breakout and Heartbeat Session Teams
- The Facilitator - The Note-taker - The Usher Sessions take place in 1st and 2nd floor, various rooms |
- This role includes working as a team to convene, facilitate, and record the discussions of the Breakout and Heartbeat sessions (one team per room), see “SCHEDULE”, (
- The Facilitator will guide the 55-minute discussion, enabling participants to discuss and generate (1) a shared understanding of the topic, (2) opportunities and challenges related to it, and (3) practical actions to address them. A guide will be provided to Facilitators with suggested techniques to help the discussions along. - The Usher will put the name of each session/topic on the door - The Usher will take a picture of the group participating in the session (extra points for fun/creativity!) - The Note-taker will capture the points of the discussion, including the room’s understanding(s) of the topic, opportunities and challenges, and practical actions. A laptop/tablet will be available in each room and. - The Note-taker will also keep time - There is one laptop for note-taking in every breakout room - A Google doc and folder will be set up for you to record the discussion. Please ensure the notes are saved in the Google docs folder, and share the group photo on the Slack Channel that will be provided. |
Joël Bourgeoys
Call/text -> 613-415-8036 Walkie-talkie John Kenny Call/text -> 613-301-7837 Walkie-talkie |
Tidying Up – All volunteers available | - Making sure we leave the conference centre in a good state
- If everyone could stick around and pitch in that would be amazing! |
Colleen Tiernan
Call/text -> 819 360 0852 Walkie-talkie |
It is a big day, so it’s important to take care of yourself and your well-being. Even as a huge extrovert, I find these days are quite demanding. So, it’s ok to ask to switch roles to something that is more comfortable for you. It’s ok to take a pause for a while. There’s a quiet space (Metchosin) and a volunteer room (Langford). When participants are in sessions, the main areas will be quieter as well. If at any point you want support, feel free to drop a message or call (Colleen, 819 360 0852). We’re here to look after you too. :-)
There will be water and coffee available in Pre-Function 2A (see map) from 8:00am to 10:30am and again from 12:30pm to 3:30pm.
There are a variety of food trucks available during the two lunch periods. Please note that outside food is not permitted inside the conference centre. The food trucks are located a short 2 minute walk away from the Conference Centre in the back courtyard of the Royal BC Museum, as shown below (GPS address: 675 Belleville St, Victoria).
Venue map?
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What should I wear?
You will be given a white t-shirt - whatever you feel comfortable in. Informal is fine. Dress for the weather. Top tip: comfy clothes, comfy shoes, and note that the t-shirts are unisex style.
Venue details
Victoria Conference Centre, 720 Douglas Street, Victoria, British Columbia, V8W 3M7.
Getting to the venue
Check out this handy One Team Gov Global travel guide available here or
Network: VictoriaConference
Password: OTGG
Social Media and Communications
Please use these event hashtags when spotlighting the event on social media: #OneTeamGovGlobal #OneTeamGovCan
Thank you message here. not possible without you.....We are so incredibly grateful for your help with this. We quite literally cannot do it without you. We can’t say thank you enough. Thanks for putting your hand up!