ISED Best Practices 3: Captivating Graphics

Revision as of 15:31, 10 August 2023 by Abhay.tiwari (talk | contribs)

Strong and visually striking graphic representation of the campaign theme and storyline is instrumental in capturing the audience’s attention and generating interest in the campaign. Considering the fast-paced nature of daily work life, it is essential for campaigns to use graphics that are not only aesthetically appealing and diverse but also capable of capturing the employees’ attention effectively.

Consistently promoting the campaign through captivating graphics in various formats, such as digital screens, lock screens, posters and web content, actively engages employees, piques their interest and creates familiarity with the campaign. This, in turn, helps underscore the significance of giving and highlights the diverse array of events and activities planned.

A recent best practice that has proven highly effective is the use of QR codes in graphics. By incorporating QR codes, we give employees easy access to comprehensive details about the campaign plans, further fostering their involvement and understanding of the initiative.

Strong graphic representation and the strategic use of visuals ensure the campaign makes a lasting impact, as employees become more informed, engaged and enthusiastic participants in making a positive difference in the lives of those in need.