L1 Diversity and Inclusion Working Group

Revision as of 20:51, 20 February 2022 by Liliya.ishkaeva (talk | contribs)

About the Working Group

The L1 Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (L1 D&I WG) was created to develop leaders at all levels to advance diversity, inclusion and belonging in our organization. It is a community of members committed to advancing our Civilian Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

The members and allies work together to foster a deeper sense of community and focus on the people side of business. Bi-weekly meetings are hosted by Materiel Group's Diversity & Inclusion office year-round and serve as a space to knowledge transfer, share best and previously ineffective practices. All are welcome to participate from the Materiel Group, Defence Team and the Federal Public Service.

Terms of Reference

The ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Working Group (WG) was created in 2021 to support Materiel Group efforts in increasing diversity, inclusion, and belonging among its members. The movement towards greater diversity, inclusion, and belonging in ADM(Mat) aligns with similar movements within DND, the Public Service, and Canada. The Clerk of the Privy Council issued a Call to action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion in the Federal Public Service, The President of the Treasury Board also published the diversity and inclusion areas of focus for the public service, which align with the Government’s Speech from the Throne and recent mandate letters. This, along with other government, ministerial, and group guidance and directives, forms the foundation of the direction and activities of the Working Group. Lean more...

Meeting Calendar

Members and Allies