Stephanie's Wiki Test Page/Manager's Corner for Onboarding New Employees

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Pre-Arrival Checklist

Our pre-arrival onboarding content contains general guidance that applies to most employees’ working arrangements.

Once the letter of offer has been signed

  • As soon as the Letter of Offer has been signed, contact your new employee with a welcome email – see template.
  • Confirm details regarding the arrival of your new employee, i.e. work schedule including hours of work, start date, and location. Make sure you are both clear on whether your employee will be working remotely, in person or through a hybrid model.
  • Check if your employee requires job accommodation. If yes, ensure that the necessary workplace accommodation is arranged as soon as possible.
  • Fill out the Arrival Form as soon as a start date has been established for your new employee.
  • Gather basic reference materials such as a phone list, organizational chart with titles, staff lists, other contact lists, email instructions (i.e. signature block), and the job description for yout new employee’s position, and share with him/her/them.
  • Email all team members and key contacts announcing the arrival and start date of your new employee.
  • Encourage a team member to be an onboarding and orientation “Buddy” for your new employee, to answer any questions and provide support and guidance.
  • Once 5 business days have elapsed since submitting the Arrival Form, check with IT to ensure that your employee’s email account has been set up and that arrangements have been made with the employee to equip him/her/them with a laptop, cellphone, and any other needed IT equipment. If there are any delays, ensure that alternate arrangements are made so that the employee’s first week is productive.
  • Check your availability and ensure you set time aside for the new employee, especially during the first 2 weeks.
  • Prepare a meaningful assignment for the new employee to start within the first week.

First Day

  • Greet your new employee with a warm welcome and in the case where an employee requires access to the workplace, ensure that arrangements are made to issue an ATSSC ID card as soon as possible. (Contact the Security Team for the latest details on this step).
  • Discuss the plan for the day with your new employee while identifying key people who will assist in the orientation process during the first week.
  • If your new employee is new to the Public Service, ensure that he/she/they:
  • has signed the oath or solemn affirmation;
  • has been provided a copy of the Onboarding Wiki site
  • Tour the workplace (if applicable) and introduce your new employee to team members and extended branch personnel, including your section’s administrative assistant. In a remote work setting, set up a welcome MS Teams meeting with members of the team to introduce your new employee.
  • Introduce your new employee to their Onboarding and Orientation “Buddy” colleague who will assist in the orientation of the work unit.
  • Set time aside to discuss the ATSSC’s organizational chart and the mandate of the tribunal you support, or the mandate of your work unit within Internal Services. Discuss overall priorities and objectives of your work unit.
  • Confirm that your new employee has read and understood the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, and the ATSSC Code of Conduct: Values and Ethics, Standards of Conduct, and Conflict of Interest and Post Employment.

Getting your technology (IT) equipment and network access

Whether you will be working remotely, in-person or through a hybrid model, your hiring manager will coordinate with you to ensure you receive the tools and equipment you need to carry out your work.

If you foresee the need for specific equipment, or any other circumstance that may affect your ability to carry out your regular duties, please discuss it with your hiring manager as soon as possible.

Once you obtain your IT equipment, follow the enclosed instructions to finish setting up your computer, and ensure you have a stable Internet connection if accessing the network remotely.

Technical support

If you are having trouble setting up your workstation or logging onto the network, you can call the IT service desk at 613-947-5444 between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm EST or you can send an e-mail to

Arrival Checklist - What to do in your first week...

Meet Your Manager

Whether you are working remotely or physically in the office, your manager should make arrangements to meet with you on your first day. If you are scheduled for a virtual meeting, make sure to check your new ATSSC e-mail account for the invitation - the link to join via MS Teams will be embedded in the invitation.

Important "To-do's"

  • If you are new to the public service, find out your PRI number. This is a number unique to you and will stay with you for the duration of your career with the Government of Canada (GoC). Your PRI is needed to access most federal government systems. If you do not know your PRI, simply send an email to and an advisor will be happy to help.  
  • Create your myKEY account. If you are new to the public service, you can get a myKEY by following the instructions on Shared Services Canada's Online Registration and Credential Administration self-serve website. If you transferred from another department and do not have a copy of your myKEY file (.epf file extension) or you have lost your myKEY file, you can get it back by completing the information on the Lost myKEY page. If you are not successful at recovering your myKEY, please contact the IT Service Desk at
  • If you are new to the public service, create a GCCampus account to have access to all learning activities offered at the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS). If you already have a GCCampus account, please update your profile and select the ATSSC as your new department.
  • Discuss your expectations with your manager and understand their expectations of you. Clear work objectives should be provided to you. This is also a good time for your manager to discuss a learning plan and the overall performance management process.
  • Set up your profile in the the Public Service Performance Management application (PSPM).
  • Consult the Mandatory Training list to identify the courses you need to take and register for these courses by first logging in to your GCCampus account . Your first week on the job is a good time to start the courses.
  • We encourage all employees to complete the Employee Self-identification form which allows you to voluntarily identify, as applicable, to one or more of the four (4) employment equity designated groups (i.e. visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and women).

Get involved and stay connected

There are a variety of ways to get involved and share your ideas at the ATSSC. Talk to your manager about existing working groups and committees, and consult the links below for additional opportunities.

Stay Connected

  • The ATSSC intranet helps to keep employees connected and up to date with important information, messages and new events.
  • GCconnex is a professional social collaboration platform used across the federal government which enables public servants to connect through shared experience, knowledge, groups or interests.
  • GCIntranet is an authoritative, central communications channel to reach all public servants. Makes it faster and easier to find information and tools public servants need to do their jobs and collaborate across institutions.
  • GCpedia is a knowledge-sharing tool designed to facilitate collaboration and co-creation of information.
  • GCcollab is a networking and collaborative workspace open to all Canadian public servants (federal, provincial and territorial), academics and students, as well as to all Canadians by invitation.
  • GCwiki is a public wiki hosted by the Government of Canada to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • GCdirectory is a directory of federal public servants to help you find a colleague.

Learn about GCDocs (ATSSC's records repository)

GCdocs is the official Electronic Document Records Management Solution (EDRMS) of the Government of Canada, used by the ATSSC as its primary repository for corporate information and electronic documents.

While internal services and most secretariats have access to GCdocs, please note that CIRB, CCPERB and SST secretariats are not currently using the ATSSC’s IT infrastructure and therefore do not have access to GCdocs. If you work for one of these secretariats, please speak with your manager to find out more about where key information can be accessed and saved for your work unit.

Visit the Information Management intranet page for information, resources and best practices.

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