
Revision as of 12:20, 19 February 2021 by Sophia.callis (talk | contribs)


Welcome to the Next Generation HR & Pay Wiki!

This site serves as a repository for NextGen documents. The NextGen Team has committed to working in the open by sharing documents as they’re being created. While work continues to advance on the NextGen initiative, new documents will be posted here.

In early 2018, a Next Generation Human Resources and Pay team (NextGen HR and Pay) was established at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) to explore a future HR and pay solution for the Government of Canada. The HR and pay solution will be a digital solution that is mobile and accessible and will be built on the foundation of users’ needs and modern people management processes.

The NextGen team was transferred from TBS to Shared Services Canada (SSC) on April 1, 2020. The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO) at TBS remains the HR and pay business owner as well as the lead on other GC HR transformation initiatives. As the Government of Canada lead on human resources and information management and information technology, TBS will continue to have an integrated role in the success of this initiative as a key partner for expertise and strategic advice. SSC is well-positioned to deliver on this important project as the department is responsible for providing modern, secure and reliable IT services that enable digital programs and services for public servants and Canadians.

The NextGen team will work collaboratively to test solutions for a reliable, integrated HR and pay solution for the Government of Canada while keeping the people who will be using this new system at the core of our mandate.

Read more about the government’s plans to move away from Phoenix, and towards an HR and pay solution that meets the needs of the Government of Canada below.

For more information on the NextGen initiative, please visit our website to follow our blog and progress, and share your feedback!

Digital Delivery

Procurement Materials

Human Resources

Engagement Materials

Please note: All information and recommendations in NextGen HR and Pay user research documents, including the Engagement Workshop Report and the User Day Playbook, represent employee perspectives as to their current HR and Pay pain points, as well as their needs and wants for a future integrated HR and Pay solution. The information and recommendations have not been validated against current government policies, collective agreements and other considerations, and therefore can only be considered as preliminary information and not user requirements. 

Employee Engagement Workshops

User Day


Digital User Expo

HR Materials

Corporate Secretariat

Meeting agendas

General briefing materials


Bienvenue sur le wiki de la Prochaine Génération RH et Paye!

Ce site sert comme un dépôt pour les documents de ProGen. L’équipe ProGen s’est engagé à travailler dans l’ouvrir en partageant des documents comme ils sont créés. Bien que le travail se poursuit pour faire progresser l’initiative ProGen, ces documents seront affichés publiquement ci-dessous:

Pour plus d'informations sur l'initiative ProGen, visitez notre site web pour suivre notre blog et notre progrès, et partagez vos commentaires!

Livraison numérique

Matériel d'approvisonnement

Ressources humaines

Matériel de mobilisation

Remarque : L’ensemble des renseignements et des recommandations contenus dans les documents de recherche sur la prochaine génération des ressources humaines (RH) et paye, y compris le rapport d’atelier et le guide de la journée d’utilisateurs, représentent le point de vue des employés sur leurs problèmes actuels liés aux RH et à la paye, ainsi que leurs besoins et leurs désirs quant à une solution intégrée en matière de RH et de paye future. Les renseignements et les recommandations n’ont pas été validés en fonction des politiques gouvernementales actuelles, des conventions collectives et d’autres facteurs, et ne peuvent donc être considérés que comme des renseignements préliminaires et non comme des exigences des utilisateurs.

Atelier de mobilisation des employés

La Journee d'utilisateurs


Expo numérique des utilisateurs

Matériel de RH

Secrétariat d'entreprise

Ordres du jour des réunions

Matériel d’information général

Other Links / Autres liens