
Welcome to this page, if you landed here it may be that you are looking to join one of the many sessions offered across the Government of Canada.

When you join any meeting, please arrive in time and observe the dynamics of each groups as in muting your microphone, opening your webcam, raising your hand for speaking and so on.

Department Lead by Day Time time Zone Duration (minutes) Language Style / Type Platform To Join / Link
ISC Nora Curti Thursday 3:15 PDT 30 EN Meditation MS Teams Join meeting
ISC / CIRNAC BC Wellness Thu 12:15 BC 30 FR Mindfulness WebEx email contact
SAC-ISC Sylvie Lee Monday / Lundi 15 h 15 Eastern 30 SP Change Leadership Zoom register here
SPAC / PSAC Centre Block / Le bloque du centre Mon / Lun 9:30AM to 12:30PM EST | 9h30 à 12h30 HNE Ottawa 45 BIL Yoga Telephone join meeting
SPAC / PSAC MMM Not Sure not sure EST 50 BIL WellBeing Facebook

Note, these are all suggestions, perhaps combining some of the columns (e.g. time, time zone and duration into one called "Time"; or language, style, platform into another column "Comments")