Overview and User Considerations Technical Considerations Secure Use of Collaboration Tools

What is Teleworking?

Teleworking by definition is an arrangement between an employee and the employer in which the employee does not commute to their physical work space, but can use the internet and other digital mediums to complete work. With recent events, teleworking has become more popular than previously before and will continue to get more popular as technology evolves.

Threats and Challenges posed by Teleworking

By connecting via the internet to potentially classified or sensitive applications or data, there are threats to the safety and security of that information.

Security issues may include:

  • Lack of physical security - devices can be stolen, drives can be copied, or people can shoulder surf.
  • Unsecured Networks - connecting to networks that are unsecured such as a cafe, hotel or other open public networks are easy targets for exploitation.
  • Providing Internal Access Externally - servers will be facing the internet therefore increasing the potential risk and vulnerability of being compromised.
  • Teleconference Hijacking/Zoom - Unauthorized persons gaining access to a conference by joining a public conference, being shared the link or access code.

For more information please see the references section.

Recommended Security Measures

It is important to realize that because Teleworking uses the internet for connectivity, it may be a target for compromise. That being said, some helpful measures that employees can take to keep information secure are:

Device Considerations

  • When the option for multi-factor authentication is available, use it!
  • Avoid open networks located in coffee shops, public facilities, and hotels.
  • Apply operating system updates when available.
  • Use your departments VPN for secured connection.
  • Password Protect any USB, SD Cards and hard drives.
  • Lock devices when not in use.

Service Considerations

Some general things to consider when using these applications include:

  • Enabling two-factor authentication.
  • Post/Send things that you do not mind sharing with the employer and employee's.
  • Segregate personal applications and work applications.
  • Use personal devices for personal applications and work devices for work applications
  • Ensure that teleconferences are set to private, as well as password protected.
  • Use collaborative tools when working in an UNCLASSIFIED environment.

Privacy and Security of Collaborative Tools

Employees should always use department-sanctioned tools for collaboration with colleagues, starting with Microsoft Teams (at Protected B if your departmental tenancy has been accredited to that level, or unclassified otherwise), then moving to other sanctioned tools such as GCTools or WebEx. If those options aren’t available, then the Policy on Acceptable Network and Device Use does allow usage of public cloud tools such as Slack, Zoom or Google Hangouts for unclassified work only. However, there are some privacy issues that need to be recognized before using these applications. It is important to remember that these applications are never to be used for any sensitive or classified work.


When using a paid license of the application, a feature is unlocked that allows HR and management personnel to export ALL chats. Not only can group chats be exported but also chats that are between you and a colleague that is sent in a private chat. This feature cannot be enabled in the free license. It is important to note that Slack does store data regardless of the license, including after 10,000 messages in the free version.

Slack also retains data such as links, passwords, usernames and chats, however does have options to customize policies on data retention.


Zoom has a feature that tracks attention to the webcam in order to see who is actively in the video chat. If a presenter is sharing their screen and a user minimizes the window or leaves their device, a notification will be sent to the meeting hosts. It should be noted that Zoom does not record activity on the device nor does it capture video with this setting.

When a meeting is created, Zoom generates a seemingly random ID that is 9 to 11 digits long. For someone with computing resources, this can easily be cracked allowing malicious actors to join the call.

Settings that can help keep a conference secure are:

  • Disable Guest Screen Sharing
  • Require the Host to Be Present
  • Secure the Conference with a Password
  • Enable the "Waiting Room" Feature
  • Keep Your Personal Meeting ID Private

For more information on using Zoom, please see the guide in the references section or click here.

Google Hangouts

Google hangouts does indeed require a Google account. It is best to use a work account if possible, to avoid details being linked together exposing private interests, and personal activity online when using that Google account. Details such as names, phone numbers, usernames and other information can be pieced together which can be exposed as a single entity in order to exploit other personal information and interests.

Google stores images that have been sent through hangouts to a public url, meaning anyone can technically see the image provided they have the correct url.

Another issue with Hangouts is that it does not feature "end-to-end" encryption. In simple terms, it is only encrypted when it is being sent. This opens the door for eavesdropping on chats as well as Google having visibility on messages.

Some key points to remember when using Hangouts include:

  • Avoiding posting or discussing classified or sensitive information in groups, private chats or video chats.
  • Be aware that messages, attachments and images can be linked to your account.
  • Google has the capability of retrieving message at a later date.



Collaborative Tool References