Theme Management Committee Covid-Mar 26 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-26 mars 2020

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Meeting information


  • March 26, 2020 - 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Join Hangouts Meet

Join by phone

+1 587-688-9757 (PIN: 760235667)


Presentation - Developing web content as one government (Google Doc)

Presentation - Developing web content as one government (.pptx)

Notes and action items

We have been having discussions around the GC-wide IA and would appreciate your feedback. Please review the documents and share with us any comments you have.

Links from today's call

Slack housekeeping rules:

1. This is not a secure medium so please keep information to non-classified matters.

2. Here is a video that demonstrates how to use Slack:

3. Please review Slack etiquette so we can keep discussions organized, be respectful of one another, and mindful of minimizing unnecessary notifications.

Renseignements sur la réunion


Jeudi le 26 mars 2020 de 14 h à 15h

Rejoignez la réunion via Hangouts

S'inscrire par téléphone

+1 587-688-9757 (NIP : 760235667)

Ordre du jour

Présentation - Développer le contenu Web en tant que gouvernement (document Google)

Présentation - Développer le contenu Web en tant que gouvernement (.pptx)

Notes et actions à prendre