Place du Portage III AWR Project overview

Revision as of 17:08, 21 April 2022 by Layal.eshak (talk | contribs)
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Project overview Project phases and milestones Objectives and benefits Notices to building occupants More information

Project Overview

The PDP3 AWR project consists of a complete overhaul of both the inside and outside of the building. As part of the planned midlife renewal work, we are doing much-needed renovations and are replacing systems that have reached the end of their useful life.

The Place du Portage complex was built in the 1970s and consists of:

  • 9 towers
  • commercial areas
  • 4 basement levels
  • a 3-level underground parking garage

The project includes replacing base building systems, such as windows, the building exterior (also known as the building envelope), plumbing, electrical systems, and heating and cooling systems. It also includes modernizing the interior workplace, updating security systems, and installing new information technology.

The project considers GoC priorities, including:

The renewed PDP3 building is being designed to meet the modern workplace standard for the GoC known as GCworkplace which offers greater flexibility in where and how people work and suits the needs of a hybrid, post-pandemic workforce.

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