GC Web Priorities-June 9 2021 - Priorités Web du GC-9 juin 2021


1. Updates

Notes and action items

 1. Updates


  • Continuing to support travel given announcements today about upcoming changes to exemptions
  • Baseline test for vaccines product pages
    • Reviewing feedback on it
  • Research summary on conversation design is moving forward to approvals
    • It will likely go out next week



  • Pushing through approvals an alert for vaccinated travellers that was discussed in news conference today
  • Doing demo today for all approvers of a new consolidated exemptions page to help expedite the approval process


  • Moderna application for 12+ was reviewed from HC
  • Vaccine safety pages going though soon
  • Lots of work on the get vaccinated campaign
  • Next week: there will be a campaign about “Ask the Experts” - a page will be created about this


  • Still averaging 200,000 visits per day
  • Mandatory Hotel stopover is #1.


  • No updates


  • Big week moving data centres to Canada this upcoming weekend
    • Emails will be going out this week
    • Will be sending out emails when the move is complete, with instructions for what to do if you notice any issues
    • If you have any questions, please reach out to Melissa Teasdale
  • PP has sent out a feedback survey - it is due on June 18th. Please fill it out and send it back. It will provide valuable insights for service delivery.
2. Updates of the value of user feedback - Lana Stewart and Jane Stewart (DTO) 

Presentation: (insert link)

We’re looking for more departments who would like to pilot collecting feedback. If you are interested, please reach out to: [[1]].

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

Notes et actions à prendre