GC Web Priorities-March 22 2021 - Priorités Web du GC-22 mars 2021


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

Notes and action items

It’s been a year since we started these meetings. We have accomplished so much. This community has been amazing. Thank you to everyone for all your hard work.


  • Vaccine study: Those results will be shared
  • New Blog post this week: Maintaining and improving web content through its life cycle - in approvals
  • CCO: The IS-04 exam is today and tomorrow
    • Looking for some more volunteers to help evaluate (substantive IS-05 or higher)
    • Please reach out to Jimena.  [[1]] or M-R [[2]] if you know of anyone
    • There will be processes for other levels as well over the next few months


Travel wizard

  • Changes for the March 21 OICs were pushed live at 7:00 am this morning
  • Flying and driving checklist pages were updated
  • Updating hotel pages for easier task completion
  • Updating handouts:
  • Two email notifications coming out this week


  • Updating Contact Us page for travel to help reduce calls
  • Updating new COVID Alert page for QR codes


  • Nothing to raise


  • Update to Canada.ca search on Thursday night (11:00 p.m.). It shouldn’t cause any issues with the system. More details on Wednesday.




  • CEWS period 7 is closing this week
  • May be merging the “get ready to do your taxes” and “do your taxes” pages based on feedback, and calls
  • Did baseline testing on payments content and it didn’t do very well, so working with ESDC to fix it


  • ISC Social media team received a message asking that they change “COVID-19” to lowercase letters because screen readers pronounce it as an acronym (C.O.V.I.D.)
    • PCO is in discussion with AAACT team because COVID is an acronym so changing to lowercase also has issues
    • Looking at whether we can/need to tag it in HTML so screen readers pronounce it as a word
    • PCO will report back to the group when there is a decision on how to move forward


  • Updating frauds & scams pages on Vaccine frauds - will share the link on Slack when it’s live


  • Hoping to launch the rapid procurement page this week

Open Gov

  • Always looking for more information to add to the portal

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Tour de table

Notes et actions à prendre