Theme Management Committee Covid-May 27 2020 - Comité de gestion des thèmes Covid-27 mai 2020


1. Updates

2. Presentation: COVID-19 analytics and evidence

Notes and action items

1. Updates


  • Focusing on: Business tasks, ERP, and testing of revised content for Indigenous people
  • Top task study deck that was presented at TMC on May 25th was shared ADM Strat Comms Interdepartmental committee and was presented at a meeting that the DM had with provinces and territories
  • Working on creating a Federal/Provincial/Territorial working group to coordinate different levels of recovery efforts
  • New filter was added to the Content Inventory  for unique weekly visits

Health Canada

  • Working on content for next phase and new landing page
  • Ongoing content development
  • PPE content updated

No updates from Principal Publisher and PCO.

2. Analytics working group update - Celeste Cote (PCO), Susan Harper (HC PHAC) and Peter Smith (DTO)

Presentation: Covid-19 analytics and reporting

  • Measuring what matters to drive decisions and brief senior management
  • If you would like to be part of the working group, please reach out to Celeste in Slack or email.
  • Getting the right data will help us move towards a more user-centred approach
  • Language has to be clear and defined so that everyone is on the same page
  • Susan showed example of how data and ux testing is applied to landing page decisions
  • CRA showed examples of UX and research design for CESB an CCB
  • With the subway pattern & content design improvements in the CCB optimization project, avg task success got up to 83%
  • Leveraging ux findings to improve design
  • Sharing data inventory in Google spreadsheet. The inventory is restricted access and requires an email invitation.
  • Next steps:  defining KPIs and methodology, streamline whole-of-gov reporting to best leverage skills, identify external influences

Resources for Adobe Analytics on GCPedia

Ordre du jour

1. Mises à jour

2. Présentation : Analyse et preuves COVID-19 (version française à venir)

Notes et actions à prendre