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Shared Services Canada Speed Mentoring / Mentorat éclair de Services partagés Canada
March 3, 2020 / 3 mars 2020
Bayview Yards, Ottawa (ON) / Bayview Yards, Ottawa, ON

Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Fawn Annan

Fawn Annan, President and CEO of IT World Canada/IDG Canada

Fawn Annan, President and CEO of IT World Canada/IDG Canada

President and CEO
IT World Canada/IDG Canada

*Le français suit

Fawn Annan is the President and CEO, IT World Canada/IDG Canada. She is also a partner and CMO for a digital content agency called Amazing! Agency, which is ITWC’s creative arm.

Ms. Annan joined ITWC in 1995 as General Manager, Executive Programs, launching the publishing enterprise into C-level events and research projects. In 2008 she was promoted to Chief Strategy Officer, helping IT World navigate the turmoil that was descending upon the print industry. In 2010, she assumed the role of President. In 2014, Ms. Annan invested as a shareholder in ITWC. In 2018 she assumed the legal position of Chairman of the Board.

Ms. Annan is Founder and Chair of the Canadian Channel Chiefs Council, sat on the Ontario Board of the former Information Technology Association of Canada (now Technation) for a decade, is Vice-Chair on the national board of Canadian Women in Communications and Technology (WCT), Co-Chair of the Sara Kirke Declaration with CATA for gender parity, as well as part of the Advisory Council for CATA (Canadian Advanced Technology Association).

Ms. Annan has operated her own business and held senior positions in marketing and strategy with a variety of firms. In 2012 she received the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Award for her contribution to the IT industry. In 2017 she was awarded the MISA/ASIM Dennis Steen Award and the RBC/CATA Sara Kirke Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, recognizing her contributions to the industry.

She received her education in Canada, attending York University, studying Communications and Business. She also studied at Boston’s famous Babson College, which houses the IDG Publishing Institute. Ms. Annan is a firm believer in lifelong education, completing her MBA in 2017 in Media Leadership at Cumbria University in Northern England.


Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Joanne Stanley

Joanne Stanley, Executive Director of Women in Communications and Technology (WCT)

Joanne Stanley, Executive Director of Women in Communications and Technology (WCT)

Executive Director
Women in Communications and Technology (WCT)

*Le français suit

Joanne Stanley is Executive Director of Women in Communications and Technology (WCT) and was appointed in March 2013.

Ms. Stanley has had an unwavering commitment to women in the technology, media and communications industries for her entire career – first as a senior executive in the telecommunications sector and then through her work at CanWIT (Canadian Women in Tech) and at Women in Communications and Technology (WCT).

Through her numerous community and industry stakeholder initiatives, Ms. Stanley remains the leading voice and advocate for a larger and more influential place for women in the digital economy in Canada.

With over 30 years of experience in marketing, journalism and communications in the technology sector, Ms. Stanley knows first-hand the issues and challenges facing women in career advancement.

Ms. Stanley has held senior positions in Bell Canada, Telecom Canada, Stentor Telecom Inc., the Ontario Centres of Excellence and the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance.

Ms. Stanley graduated from Algonquin College in business administration majoring in public relations and journalism.


Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Joanne St-Coeur

Joanne St-Coeur, Director with Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC), Environment and Climate Change Canada / Directrice, Services opérationnels des prévision

Joanne St-Coeur, Director, Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC), Environment and Climate Change Canada / Directrice, Services opérationnels des prévision, Environnement et Changement climatique Canada

Director, Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)
Environment and Climate Change Canada | Government of Canada | 514-283-1601
800, rue De la Gauchetière ouest, 7th Floor, Office 5

Directrice, Services opérationnels des prévision
Environnement et Changement climatique Canada | Gouvernement du Canada | 514-283-1601
800, rue De la Gauchetière ouest, 7e étage, pièce 5

*Le français suit

Joanne St-Coeur is a Director with Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) since 2017, with Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Environment Canada first recruited Ms. St-Coeur in 1992 when she was deployed as an operational meteorologist within the Meteorological Service in Newfoundland. She worked at Transport Canada Civil Aviation from 1997-2000 before returning to MSC in the Policy and Corporate Affairs Directorate. She then took on the role of Chief of Client Services for Aviation and Defence in 2003.

Since then, Ms. St-Coeur has taken on several leadership roles at MSC and managed several projects. These include the implementation of ISO system in MSC; services improvements to the public/air quality/marine weather programs; and, introducing broadcast interrupting tornado alert on new dissemination channels (Twitter, television and radio, and wireless).

Ms. St-Coeur is Director of Prediction Services Operations – Centre since fall 2017. Her 130 employees in Toronto-Montreal-Ottawa deliver quality weather services to the citizens of Quebec and Ontario. Her meteorologists also deliver weather services to all of Eastern Canada’s civil aviation.

Joanne is a proud holder of an MBA from the University of Ottawa (2001), as well as a Diploma in Atmospheric Sciences from UQAM (1992) and a Bachelor of Science (math/physics) from the University of Moncton (1991).

Joanne St-Cœur est directrice au Service météorologique du Canada (SMC) depuis 2017, à Environnement et Changement Climatique Canada.

Mme St-Cœur a d’abord été recrutée par Environnement Canada en 1992 comme météorologue opérationnelle au sein du SMC à Terre-Neuve. Elle a ensuite travaillé pour Transports Canada à l’aviation civile de 1997 à 2000 avant de retourner au SMC à la Direction des politiques et des affaires ministérielles. Elle a ensuite assumé le rôle de Cheffe des services à la clientèle pour la défense et l’aviation en 2003.

Depuis ce temps, Mme St-Cœur a occupé plusieurs rôles de leadership au SMC et géré plusieurs projets. Elle a notamment contribué à la mise en œuvre du système ISO au SMC, à diverses améliorations des programmes météorologiques public/qualité de l’air/marine et à l’ajout de la diffusion des alertes de tornades sur divers canaux (Twitter, télévision/radio, cellulaire).

Depuis 2017, Mme St-Cœur dirige Services opérationnels des prévisions – Centre. Ses 130 employés de Toronto-Montréal-Ottawa offrent des services météorologiques de qualité aux citoyens du Québec et de l’Ontario. Ses météorologues fournissent aussi les services météo à l’aviation civile pour tout l’Est du Canada.

Mme St-Cœur est fière titulaire d’une maîtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de l’Université d’Ottawa (2001), ainsi que d’un diplôme en sciences atmosphériques de l’UQAM (1992) et d’un baccalauréat en sciences (math/physique) de l’Université de Moncton (1991).

Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Jody Thomas

Jody Thomas, Deputy Minister, National Defence / Sous-ministre, Défense nationale

Jody Thomas, Deputy Minister of the Department, National Defence / Sous-ministre, Ministere de la Défense nationale

Deputy Minister
Department of National Defence (DND) | Government of Canada | 613-992-4258
101 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, Ontatrio K1A 0K2

Ministere de la Défense nationale (MDN)| Gouvernement du Canada | 613-992-4258
99, rue Metcalfe, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0S5

*Le français suit

Ms. Jody Thomas was appointed Deputy Minister of the Department of National Defence on October 23, 2017.

Ms. Thomas has broad and varied experience working at senior levels in the Public Service. Prior to serving as Deputy Minister, she was the Senior Associate Deputy Minister for the Department of National Defence. Ms. Thomas began her career in the Public Service in 1988 when she was appointed Chief of Business Planning and Administration with Public Works and Government Services Canada’s Atlantic Region.

Ms. Thomas then moved to the West Coast as the Business Manager of the Esquimalt Graving Dock in Victoria, British Columbia. From 1995-2010, she joined Passport Canada where she served as Manager of the Victoria Passport Office. This led to a number of senior roles within the Passport Office, culminating in Chief Operating Officer, where she managed service delivery at 35 locations involving 3,000 employees across Canada.

In 2010, Ms. Thomas joined the Canadian Coast Guard where she held the position of Deputy Commissioner of Operations for four years, during which she provided leadership and functional direction in the development of the Coast Guard’s strategic and operational policy frameworks, monitored their implementation and ensured the strategic direction for the cost-effective delivery of Coast Guard programs. In September 2014, Ms. Thomas was appointed as Special Advisor to the Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet (Operations) at the Privy Council Office until her appointment as Commissioner of the Coast Guard on January 1, 2015. On March 13, 2017, she joined the Department of National Defence where she served as Senior Associate Deputy Minister.

Ms. Thomas currently holds a commission in the Navy (Naval Reserve). She also holds a Bachelor of Arts from Carleton University.

Madame Jody Thomas a été nommée sous-ministre du ministère de la Défense nationale le 23 octobre 2017.

Madame Thomas a acquis une expérience vaste et diversifiée aux niveaux supérieurs de la fonction publique. Avant d’occuper le poste de sous-ministre, elle a assumé les fonctions de sous-ministre déléguée principale du ministère de la Défense nationale. Mme Thomas a commencé sa carrière à la fonction publique en 1988 en tant que chef, Planification des activités et administration, au bureau régional de l’Atlantique de Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada.

Mme Thomas a ensuite déménagé sur la côte ouest pour devenir gestionnaire administrative de la cale sèche d’Esquimalt à Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique. De 1995 à 2010, elle s'est jointe à Passeport Canada en tant que gestionnaire du bureau des passeports à Victoria, endroit où elle a occupé divers postes de direction pour ensuite devenir chef de l’exploitation et gérer la prestation des services dans 35 emplacements comptant 3 000 employés répartis partout au Canada.

En 2010, Mme Thomas s’est jointe à la Garde côtière canadienne (GCC) en tant que sous-commissaire des Opérations, poste qu’elle a occupé pendant quatre ans. À ce titre, elle a assuré le leadership et fourni une orientation fonctionnelle pour l’élaboration des cadres de politique opérationnels et stratégiques de la GCC, surveillé leur mise en œuvre et assuré la direction stratégique de la prestation économique des programmes de la GCC. En septembre 2014, Mme Thomas a été nommée conseillère spéciale auprès du secrétaire adjoint du Cabinet (Opérations) au Bureau du Conseil privé, poste qu’elle a occupé jusqu’à sa nomination en tant que commissaire de la Garde côtière le 1er janvier 2015. Le 13 mars 2017, elle s’est jointe au ministère de la Défense nationale à titre de sous-ministre déléguée principale. Mme Thomas détient actuellement une commission dans la Marine (Réserve navale) et est titulaire d'un baccalauréat ès arts de l’Université Carleton.

Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Keira Torkko

Keira Torkko, Vice President, Employee Experience at Assent Compliance

Keira Torkko, Vice President, Employee Experience at Assent Compliance

Vice-President, Employee Experience
Assent Compliance

*Le français suit

Keira Torkko is Vice President, Employee Experience at Assent Compliance.

Ms. Torkko’s commitment to promoting a dynamic team spirit and culture of high performance helps ensure Assent Compliance attracts and retains champions.

She has led teams in a variety of sectors for more than 20 years and has held a variety of leadership roles at the National Research Council, the Coaching Association of Canada and TD Bank. Keira sits on the boards of the University of Ottawa Heart Institute and the Ottawa Heart Institute Research Corporation, and is actively involved in a variety of community sports organizations.


Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Olivia Neal

Olivia Neal, Executive Director, Digital Change, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat / Directrice exécutive, Changement numérique, Secrétariat Conseil du Trésor du Canada

Olivia Neal, Executive Director, Digital Change

Executive Director, Digital Change
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) | Government of Canada | 613-286-8564
90 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontatrio K1A 0R5

Directrice exécutive, Changement numérique
Secrétariat Conseil du Trésor du Canada (SCT)| Gouvernement du Canada | 613-286-8564
90 Elgin Street, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0R5

*Le français suit

Olivia joined the Government of Canada in June 2017 as the Executive Director, Digital Change. Since being in Canada she and her team have worked with people from across the Government, and outside, to support the creation of structure and culture to enable the drive to be increasingly digital. This has included: developing and launching Canada’s Digital Standards; creating the first Digital Government Strategic Plan; launching a Digital Academy; creating international partnerships, including joining the Digital9; rethinking the approach to bringing in talent, and launching a new platform for recruitment; as well as building approaches to help develop and build the existing community within government.

Olivia was previously with the UK Government, where she played a leading role at the award winning Government Digital Service for three years.

Olivia introduced and embedded the UK Digital Service Standard in the work of digital delivery teams across UK government. She has overseen the assurance of hundreds of the largest public facing digital services against the Digital Service Standard, helping teams across government meet user needs and transform the way they work.

Her team worked with government departments to save over £300m annually, through assuring that digital and technology spend meets the Technology Code of Practice. She’s worked with countries from around the world to build understanding of delivering high quality digital services and developing digital culture. She has been integral in the development of Digital Service Standards for Australia, UK Local Government and Scotland.

Olivia est entrée au service du gouvernement du Canada en 2017 comme directrice exécutive, Changement numérique. Depuis qu’elle vit au Canada, elle et son équipe ont travaillé avec des personnes de l’ensemble du gouvernement du Canada, et à l’extérieur de celui-ci, au soutien de la création d’une structure et d’une culture qui permette au gouvernement de concrétiser sa volonté de devenir de plus en plus numérique. Cela a inclus ce qui suit : élaborer et lancer les normes relatives au numérique du Canada; créer un Plan stratégique du gouvernement numérique; lancer une Académie du numérique; créer des partenariats internationaux, y compris se joindre à Digital7; repenser l’approche adoptée pour intégrer des talents, et lancer une nouvelle plateforme pour le recrutement (; ainsi que l’élaboration d’approches visant à aider le développement et la promotion des collectivités existantes au sein du gouvernement.

Olivia a déjà travaillé pour le gouvernement britannique, où elle a joué un rôle de premier plan pendant trois ans au Government Digital Service (Service numérique gouvernemental), un service primé.

Olivia a introduit et intégré la Digital Service Standard (norme relative aux services numériques) dans le travail des équipes de prestation numérique du gouvernement du R.-U. Elle a supervisé l’assurance de centaines des plus importants services numériques publics par rapport à la Digital Service Standard, aidant les équipes de l’ensemble du gouvernement à répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs et à transformer leur façon de travailler.

Son équipe a travaillé avec les ministères pour générer des économies de plus de 300 millions de livres sterling par an, en s’assurant que les dépenses numériques et technologiques respectent le Technology Code of Practice (code de pratique sur la technologie). Elle a travaillé avec des pays partout dans le monde pour établir une compréhension de la prestation de services numériques de haute qualité et du développement d’une culture numérique. Elle a joué un rôle clé dans le développement des Digital Service Standards pour l’Australie — le « Local Government » (gouvernement local) du Royaume-Uni — et l’Écosse.

Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Rima Aristocrat

Rima Aristocrat, President & CEO, Willis College

Rima Aristocrat,

President & CEO
Willis College

*Le français suit

Rima Aristocrat is the President & CEO of 153-year old Willis College offering industry-led, job-ready skills training and education, enabling adults to transition into careers in business, healthcare, technology and Cybersecurity.

She is the founder of the Canadian Association of Immigrant Professionals, founder and president of the TeKnoWave Inc. – Canada’s First National Aboriginal IT Training Initiative, founding director of the Veteran Friendly Transition Program, founder of the Willis Cybersecurity Academy, founder of the Willis Women in Technology and A Soldier’s Hero for Military Spouses Scholarships.

Ms. Aristocrat is the only Canadian represented on Microsoft’s Education Advisory Council, has been frequently invited as a guest speaker and has appeared on many magazines as the cover page story.

She has received numerous national and international recognitions for her contribution to post- secondary education including 2018-19 Global Cyber Startup Observatory Cyber Hall of Fame Canada, France and US Slides and 2020 Global Award, Women in Cybersecurity.


Speed mentoring/Mentorat éclair: Susan Norton

Susan Norton, CEO of Alcea Technologies Inc

Susan Norton, CEO of Alcea Technologies Inc

Alcea Technologies Inc

*Le français suit

Susan Norton is the CEO of Alcea Technologies Inc and an active proponent for female empowerment. With over 25 years in technology, from a consultant to her current position as CEO, Susan has used her vast experience to grow her company into a leader in the Issue Tracking, Risk Management and Cyber Security Software space.

As the recipient of Distinctive Women’s Philanthropist of the Year, Susan is a firm believer in corporate and personal responsibility to give back and make a difference.