Inspired by the popular Magic 8 Ball fortune telling ball, Project 8Ball was created to leverage the technology developed in Project Cyclops to develop a user-friendly mobile application that will be used as a support tool for regulatory decisions on at the border. Project 8Ball is utilizing existing technology to expand the scope of Project Cyclops to apply existing technology to focus on cosmetics. This tool will allow Government of Canada employees to have relevant and tailored information at their fingertips (see icon mock-ups in design process). The mobile application will include automatic label reference tool to detect cosmetic ingredients from the Restricted and Prohibited Hotlist to assist inspectors when making admissibility decisions at the border. As well, have capabilities to generate reports that may be used by inspectors for detailed documentation, compliance promotion, outreach, education, and future surveillance.</blockquote> | Inspired by the popular Magic 8 Ball fortune telling ball, Project 8Ball was created to leverage the technology developed in Project Cyclops to develop a user-friendly mobile application that will be used as a support tool for regulatory decisions on at the border. Project 8Ball is utilizing existing technology to expand the scope of Project Cyclops to apply existing technology to focus on cosmetics. This tool will allow Government of Canada employees to have relevant and tailored information at their fingertips (see icon mock-ups in design process). The mobile application will include automatic label reference tool to detect cosmetic ingredients from the Restricted and Prohibited Hotlist to assist inspectors when making admissibility decisions at the border. As well, have capabilities to generate reports that may be used by inspectors for detailed documentation, compliance promotion, outreach, education, and future surveillance.</blockquote> |