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|Natural Resources Canada
|Natural Resources Canada
|Lily Spek  has been a Free Agent for 5 years, and is currently the Recruitment Lead for  Canada’s Free Agents as her 8th assignment. She has completed Free Agent  assignments at the Heritage Canada, Federal Youth Network, Indigenous  Services Canada, Canada’s Free Agents,  Immigration Citizenship and Refugees Canada, and the Privy Council  Office. She completed her Masters of Public Administration at Queen’s  University, as well as a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management at  Carleton University. Lily helps facilitate weekly OneTeamGov virtual sessions  on Mondays and Fridays; open to anyone interested in public sector reform, or  looking for connection while we work from home.
|Lily Spek  has been a Free Agent for 5 years, and is currently the Recruitment Lead for  Canada’s Free Agents as her 8th assignment. She has completed Free Agent  assignments at the Heritage Canada, Federal Youth Network, Indigenous  Services Canada, Canada’s Free Agents,  Immigration Citizenship and Refugees Canada, and the Privy Council  Office. She completed her Masters of Public Administration at Queen’s  University, as well as a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management at  Carleton University. Lily helps facilitate weekly OneTeamGov virtual sessions  on Mondays and Fridays; open to anyone interested in public sector reform, or  looking for connection while we work from home.
|Frank Assu
|Free Agent, GovernexxVI Co-Manager, BCFC SDN  Co-Chair
Senior Policy Analyst
|Environment and Climate Change Canada
|Frank  joined the ECCC’s Innovation and Youth Engagement Division (IYED) in May 2021  as a Senior Policy Analyst.  Since May  2018 Frank has worked remotely full time from Comox, BC on Vancouver Island.  This is when he joined the Free Agent program after four years as a Border  Officer with CBSA.  For the past three  years Frank has worked for Service Canada, Canada School of Public Service,  Public Service and Procurement Canada, and Indigenous Services Canada.  Primarily on remote work files, future of work files, or as a Senior  Advisory/Analyst. Frank is very supportive and always involved with projects.  He is a co-manager/chair of two volunteer networks (GovernexxVI and BCFC  Sustainable Development Network) and champion of Remote Work in the public  service.  Frank has 4 kids (3 are  adults) and a 7 year old granddaughter. He holds a Bachelor of Education  degree with minors in Canadian History and First Nation Studies.
|Gina Scaramuzzi
|A/Manager ICMS, Values &Ethics and  Organizational Development
|Canadian Grain Commission
|Gina joined the Canadian grain commission in March 2020 as a senior  hr advisor to lead executive talent & performance management and the  CGC’s learning strategy. Then, two weeks later, the pandemic took over and  pivoted to focus on covid business recovery, the future of work and took on  the acting manager role. Previous work experience includes working at the  Canada school of public service from 2009-2020, as a learning advisor,  regional manager and as the client relations and events manager for the prairies  and NWT region. Gina has facilitated hundreds of courses and learning events  and is certified in insights discovery, disc, appreciation in the workplace,  emotional intelligence and effective decision making. Gina was recognized  with numerous awards, most notable the 2017 deputy minister future leader  award.  She also was the regional  liaison for the university of Winnipeg for deputy minister university  champion Janine Sherman and co-lead the speed staffing event at the  university of Winnipeg in partnership with the public service  commission.  Gina believes anything is  possible with an engaged and passionate team.  She is a prairie girl who received her Bachelor of Science degree and  certificate in hr management from the University of Manitoba and attended a  French immersion school in jr. high. Gina enjoys traveling with her family  and friends. She is a soccer wife, soccer mom and somehow is the team  manager.
|Michael Mills
|Assistant Deputy Minister, Procurement  Branch
|Michael Mills was appointed Assistant Deputy  Minister of Procurement Branch at Public Services and Procurement Canada  (PSPC) in December 2021. In his role, Michael is the lead on pandemic  response procurement, along with assuming responsibility for vaccine  procurement and the management and administration of the Branch. Up to  recently, Michael was the Associate Assistant Deputy Minister (AADM) of the  Branch's logistics and COVID-19 response teams where he was and still remains  responsible for the procurement and delivery of Personal Protective Equipment  and Testing supplies for front line and essential workers and procures  testing supplies to support Canada's testing strategy. Michael is the  Reconciliation Champion, as PSPC is committed to advancing reconciliation, as  well as the Champion of the Young Professionals Network.
From 2017 to 2020, Michael was the AADM for  Real Property Services (PSPC) where he was responsible for providing senior  leadership to Real Property Services' operations, including project  management; facilities management; real estate services; strategic sourcing;  and infrastructure asset management. He focused on providing excellent client  service and using operations to support key government objectives, in  particular, greening government operations, modernizing the public service,  improving accessibility and advancing Indigenous reconciliation.
Michael has worked for a federal Crown  corporation called Public-Private Partnerships Canada, previously known as P3  Canada, where he was Vice-President of Investments. Michael and his team  assisted clients from all levels of government to structure public-private  partnership transactions and to implement successful public-private  partnership procurement strategies.
Prior to working at P3 Canada, Michael held  various positions with Crown-Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada,  Department of Finance Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development  Canada.
Michael holds a bachelor of arts in political science and economics  from the University of Regina and a master of arts in economics from Queen's  University.
|Gorazd Ruseski, Ph.D.
|<nowiki>Director General  | Directeur général</nowiki>
Indigenous  Affairs | Affaires autochtones
Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Pêches et  Océans Canada
|Gorazd (Gor) Ruseski has over twenty years of experience in the  federal Public Service, most of which has been in various positions at  Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern  Affairs Canda (CIRNAC), and most recently in positions involving Indigenous  rights and reconciliation. As the Director General of Indigenous Affairs in  the Fisheries and Harbour Management Sector at DFO, Gor is responsible for  contributing to the department’s approach to implementing treaty rights and  interests on the east coast, supporting treaty and non-treaty agreement  negotiations and implementation across the country, and overseeing the ongoing  delivery and renewal of the Department’s suite of Indigenous commercial and  collaborative programs. While at Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Gor  was the Director of Partnerships and Coordination in the Lands and Economic  Development Sector, with responsibility for implementing the Government’s  agenda on Indigenous economic development. Prior to this, Gor held positions  at DFO and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as an economist and an  international trade officer, respectively. Gor holds a PhD in Economics from  the University of British Columbia, specializing in natural resource  economics, environmental economics, and international trade. Prior to joining  the federal Public Service, Gor was an Assistant Professor in the Economics  Department at Saint Francis Xavier University.
|Darren Deneumoustier
|Director General, Citizen Services Branch  (CSB)
|Service Canada
|Darren Deneumoustier, Director General,  Citizen Services Branch (CSB), began his career in the federal government in  1993 as a PM01 Supervisor in the Collingwood Canada Employment Centre for  Students. In his tenure of over 30 years with the public service, he has held  various executive leadership portfolios that include Executive Director,  Business Expertise, Executive Director, Integrity Services, Director,  Business Infrastructure Management and Procurement in the Chief Financial  Officer Branch, and Area Director for the Lakeland and Kitchener Service  Areas. Additionally, Darren has central agency experience working for the  Treasury Board Secretariat as a Senior Analyst within the Service Innovation  Directorate.
Darren has been instrumental in successfully  finding ways to update and modernize delivery of in-person services for  Canadians by ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all. Through his  participation on the Inclusive Service Advisory Network, with a focus on  increasing engagement with external stakeholders, he has supported improved  accessibility and inclusivity in client service. Darren has extensive  experience in managing large complex organizations through service  transformation, and has the ability to mobilize people. He actively supports  staff engagement and strives to create a positive and healthy work  environment.
Darren is a recipient of several prominent  awards, including the APEX Award for Service Innovation, and the Public  Service Leadership Award for Partnerships and Collaboration. He has also  received numerous Service Canada Awards of Excellence in partnerships,  innovations and service excellence. Darren has always taken pride in his  client service orientation. He strongly believes that Service Canada's  principle role is to empower Canadians to become self-sufficient in managing  the many transitions in their lives.
Darren holds a degree from York University and enjoys spending time  with family and friends, cooking, reading and playing sports.
|Angela Renwick
|Policy Analyst (NEB-09/EC-05)
|Angela holds a Master of Public  Administration (MPA) from Queen’s University and a Bachelor of Arts in  Political Science from the University of Alberta. She has worked in policy,  programs, and operations for the provincial governments of Ontario, Alberta, and  the City of Calgary. Angela is currently in a two-year term position as a  policy analyst with the Canada Energy Regulator Business Commission team in  Calgary, Alberta.
Fun fact: Angela has lived and taught  English in Japan while living in Matsuyama city on the island of Shikoku. She  visited Osaka, Hiroshima, and many Buddhist temples.
In her free time, Angela is a shoulder season hiker who enjoys hiking  Alberta’s waterfalls and lakes (including Boom Lake, Rawson Lake and Chester  Lake). Angela is a Wordfest fan and enjoys attending live/virtual events.  Angela is a clichéd Peloton devotee; she enjoys partaking in yoga, run and  strength training.
|Jason Fox
|Director, Research and Strategy, Office of  the Chief Human Resources Officer
|Jason has 20 years’ experience as a public servant in various HR  disciplines.  He began as a Learning  Advisor at the Department of National Defence and has worked as Senior  Advisor at the Privy Council Office (Public Service Renewal Secretariat) and  Director of Human Capital Strategies at the Public Prosecution Service of  Canada. He is currently Director, Research and Strategy at the Office of the  Chief Human Resources Officer in the Research, Planning and Renewal Sector.  Jason is also a professional Coach.
|Ümit Mustafa Kiziltan
|Chief Data Officer
|Ümit Mustafa Kiziltan has been a Public Service executive since 2006,  leading multiculturalism, citizenship, and refugee health policies and  operations. Prior to being appointed as the first Chief Data Officer at  Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in 2019, he was the  Director General of Research and Evaluation at IRCC for 9 years, leading  research data development, evaluation, and knowledge mobilization. Before  joining the Public Service, Ümit worked in academia and for civil society  organizations and First Nations in community based indigenous control of  indigenous education and international development. Ümit is currently  preoccupied with the increasing fragility of liberal democracies across the  world, which fuels his commitment to improving access to quality data and  evidence-based analysis in support of effective and accountable public  policies.ümit-mustafa-kiziltan-2600294b
|David M. Nanang, PhD
|<nowiki>Associate Vice  President |  Vice-président associé</nowiki>
|Canadian Food Inspection Agency
|Dr. David Nanang is Associate Vice-President  of Operations at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Before joining  the CFIA in May 2021, he was the Regional Director General for the Central  and Arctic Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada for 2 years.  Prior to that, he was the Director General  at Natural Resources Canada's Great Lakes Forestry Centre in Sault Ste.  Marie. David has held several positions of increasing responsibility within  the federal government over the last 19 years.
David is an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto and holds  degrees in natural resources management, masters in forestry (Lakehead  University) and a PhD in forest economics from the University of Alberta. He  is the author/co-author/co-editor of three books on forestry and natural  resources; with several publications in internationally recognized  peer-reviewed journals.
|Stéphanie Drouin
|Executive Director for CARM Change  Enablement
|I have had the privilege of being with the  Government of Canada for 22 years, and have worked for multiple departments  including Environment (and Climate Change) Canada, Fisheries and Oceans  Canada, Public Services and procurement Canada, the former Canada Revenue  Agency, and Shared Services Canada. I have had career opportunities that had  me in various classifications throughout my career – Administrative Services,  Purchasing and Supply, Physical Science Group, Director General, including  the privilege of being a Strategic Advisor to a Senior Associate Assistant  Deputy Minister.
My first role at Canada Border Services  Agency since joining in 2019 was to shepherd the Functional Management Model  Implementation Project to completion in 2021 as the Director General of  Functional Management Model Implementation Support under the Chief  Transformation Officer Branch.  I  really enjoyed the opportunities and challenges of Transformation related  work, it was all new to me! 
I am now leading Stakeholder engagement and  change enablement (training, innovation, program authorities) for the largest  IT enabled project in the history of the Government of Canada – CARM, where  we are modernizing the collection of duties and taxes from importers at the  border.
My education is a Bachelor of Science  (Biology) from Dalhousie University, and an  Master of Science from the University of Manchester United Kingdom. I studied  bugs and how to use them as standard indicators to determine river water  quality across the European Union.
I enjoy travelling with my husband  (especially when he is the pilot), environmental conservation and  entomology.  Supporting Amyotrophic  lateral sclerosis (ALS) research and care is a cause close to my heart.
My family is here in Ottawa and I became an Aunt during COVID (It’s a  girl!).  I look forward to meeting new  people and working collaboratively to advance talent in the Government of  Canada.
|John Marquis
|Director, Fraser Valley Tax Services Office
|John joined the Canada Revenue Agency in 1991 in the Vancouver Tax  Services Office (VTSO) as a Business Auditor. He subsequently worked in a  number of diverse areas including Tax Avoidance, SR&ED, GST / HST Rulings  and the regional office as a Program Advisor. John was appointed as Assistant  Director of the SR&ED Division in VTSO in May of 2007. In September of  2009 he moved to the Surrey Tax Centre where he worked as Assistant Director  of Individual Returns & Compliance and subsequently as Assistant Director  of the Business Returns Division. John took on an assignment as the Regional  Director of Programs before being appointed as Chief of Appeals in 2013. In  November 2016 John became director of the Surrey Tax Centre and led the  transition to what is now the Surrey National Verification and Collections  Centre before joining the Fraser Valley TSO as office director in February  2020.  John is a Chartered Professional  Accountant (CPA, CGA), holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree  from Simon Fraser University and is a graduate of the MMDP Program and  "Direxion".
|Abe Greenspoon
|Assistant Director, Enterprise Change and  Learning Academy
|Abe joined  the federal public service in 2009 as part of the Post-Secondary Recruitment  program. He’s worked at eight different departments in his 12 year career,  with roles in program management, policy, communications, engagement, human  resources, organizational health, and most recently, change management. Two  things Abe is very proud of: 1) launching the departmental young  professionals’ network at Industry Canada, called InterConnex; and, 2)  designing, implementing, and growing Canada’s Free Agents, a program to  promote mobility and autonomy for public servants.
