Difference between revisions of "GC Web Priorities – August 8 2022"

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Back to [[GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC]]
== Meeting information ==
* Monday August 8, 2022 – 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Join Microsoft Teams
[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NzIwZmRmYzgtZTkxOC00MDQ5LThmNTAtYjE5MDJmOWI2OTY5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226397df10-4595-4047-9c4f-03311282152b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c08bc0c9-69da-4e8c-9db9-46d6c67f9690%22%7d Click here to join the meeting]
Join by phone
+1 343-803-0870 (PIN: 713 398 894#)
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==Notes and action items==
==Notes and action items==
=== Updates ===
=== Passports ===
* Working on duplicate content
=== COVID-19 ===
==== Travel ====
* Weekly border data summary updates going live today
=== Monkeypox ===
* Trying to get the landing page revamp up
** No exact date planned
* Automating the case numbers and adding an epicurve
=== General ===
=== DTO ===
* '''Communications''': Blog post went live last week
** [https://blog.canada.ca/2022/07/28/news-releases Using alerts to keep news releases and web content in sync | Canada.ca digital design blog]
** Please share it with your strat comms and digital colleagues
=== Finance ===
* Launched Affordability Plan program page on Friday
** [https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/services/affordability-plan.html Affordability Plan - Canada.ca]
** Keeping it super simple right now
** Not promoting it yet
* Moving Budget.gc.ca to Budget.canada.ca
** Thank you to Principal Publisher for all your help
* Seeking guidance about uploading to GitHub
=== DND ===
* Multilingual content: Creating a new funding program and with plans to publish in 5 Indigenous languages
** Looking for support and guidance about guidance/best practices
** Please contact: [Mailto:eric.cooper@dnd.gc.ca eric.cooper@forces.gc.ca]
=== PP ===
* Doing a Vanity Url clean-up
[[Category:COVID Communications]]
[[Category:COVID Communications]]

Latest revision as of 08:44, 29 August 2022

Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC


1. Updates

2. Roundtable

Notes and action items



  • Working on duplicate content



  • Weekly border data summary updates going live today


  • Trying to get the landing page revamp up
    • No exact date planned
  • Automating the case numbers and adding an epicurve




  • Launched Affordability Plan program page on Friday
  • Moving Budget.gc.ca to Budget.canada.ca
    • Thank you to Principal Publisher for all your help
  • Seeking guidance about uploading to GitHub


  • Multilingual content: Creating a new funding program and with plans to publish in 5 Indigenous languages


  • Doing a Vanity Url clean-up