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= Welcome to the Federal Intellectual Property Partnership (FIPP) =
A community of practice managed by Innovation Canada’s Intellectual Property Centre of Expertise (IP CoE) that discusses IP-related issues and questions among federal departments and agencies with the objective of maximizing benefits generated from innovation and IP.
=== Learn more about ===
* [[FIPP/About FIPP|FIPP]]
* [[FIPP/About FIPP/IPCoE|Innovation Canada’s IP Centre of Expertise]]
=== Meeting material ===
* July 15, 2020: [[Media:FIPP_Agenda_July_15.pdf|agenda]], [[Media:NRC_IP_Framework.pdf|NRC Framework]], Record of Discussion
=== Microsoft Teams ===
We are using Microsoft Teams to host FIPP meetings during COVID, which also allows us to chat and share files. Please note that this is not a secure medium so please keep information to non-classified matters.

Latest revision as of 12:08, 17 August 2020