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'''[[:fr:MesRHGC au SCDATA/Employé|FRANÇAIS]]'''
'''[[:fr:MesRHGC au SCDATA/Employé|FRANÇAIS]]'''
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[[Image:Header_MyGCHR_Employees.PNG|800x248px]]<div class="nav" role="navigation" id="top"><div class="tabContainer"><ul class="navMenu">
[[Image:Header for Wiki Staff-EN.PNG|800x248px]]<div class="nav" role="navigation" id="top"><div class="tabContainer"><ul class="navMenu">
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<li class="primary-btn">'''[[:en:MyGCHR_at_the_ATSSC|Home]]'''</li>
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                         <li class="primary-btn active">'''[[MyGCHR_at_the_ATSSC/Employee|Employee]]'''</li>                         
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[[Image:Access MyGCHR-EN.PNG|200px|link=]] [[Image:Logging in to MyGCHR first time-EN.PNG|200px|Media:Logging_in_to_MyGCHR_for_the_first_time_-_EN.docx]]  [[Image:Introduction to MyGCHR Self-Service-EN.PNG|200px|link=]]<br>
[[Image:Introduction to UPK-EN.PNG|200px|link=]] [[Image:Employee User Guide-EN.PNG|200px|link=Media:Polar_-_MyGCHR_Employee_Self-Service_User_Guide_-_EN.docx]] [[Image:ATSSC MyGCHR Service Desk-EN.PNG|200px|]]
<div class="card greybg">
<div class="card greybg">
:* Logging in to MyGCHR for the first time (job aid)
===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>MyGCHR "How-to" Procedures===
:* Employee User Guide - MyGCHR Self-Service
:* Introduction to MyGCHR Self-Service (video)
:* Introduction UPK - MyGCHR's Built-in Help Module (video)
:* ATSSC's MyGCHR Service Desk</div>
<div class="card">
===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>MyGCHR Help Topics===
<div class="card-body mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="card-body mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|Absence  management (video)
|[ View Your Personal Information Summary]
|[ Visualiser le sommaire de vos données personnelles]
|View  Your Leave Balances
|[ Update Emergency Contacts]
|[ Mettre à jour contacts en cas d'urgence]
|View  Leave Request History and Details
|[ Update Phone Numbers]
|[ Mettre à jour numéro de téléphone]
|View Your Monthly Schedule
|[ View Your Monthly Schedule]
|[ Visualiser votre horaire mensuel]
|View  Your Security Clearance, Education and Second Language Evaluation (SLE) Results
|[ Absence Management - Leave Module] (video)
|[ Gérer les congés] (vidéo)
|Submit  a Leave Request
|[ View Your Leave Balances]
|[ Visualiser vos soldes de congés]
|Delete  a Leave Request
|[ View Leave Request History and Details]
|[ Visualiser l'historique et les détails des demandes de congé]
|Submit Request Requiring Section 34 Delegation (compensatory banked, leave without  pay, additional hours, banked time earned)
|[ Submit a Leave Request]
|[ Soumettre une demande de congé]
|Submit  Rehabilitation Hours Not Worked
|[ Delete a Leave Request]
|[ Supprimer une demande de congé]
|Confirm and Submit your Mandatory Cashout Hours to a Manager
|[ Submit Request Requiring Section 34 Delegation (compensatory banked, leave without pay, additional hours, banked time earned)]
|[ Soumettre demande exigeant la Délégation financière - Article 34 (congés compensatoires, congés sans solde, heures additionnelles, crédit heures)]
|Delegate  My Self-Service Approval Authority
|[ Request a Leave Payout]
|[ Demander le paiement d'un congé]
|Accept  or Reject a Self-Service Delegation Request
|[ Confirm and Submit your Mandatory Cashout Hours to a Manager]
|[ Confirmer et soumettre vos heures de paiement obligatoire au gestionnaire]
|View Your Personal Information Summary
|[ View Your Security Clearance, Education and Second Language Evaluation (SLE) Results]
|[ Visualiser votre autorisation d'accès, éducation et évaluation de langue seconde]
|Update  Emergency Contacts
|[ Submit Rehabilitation Hours Not Worked]
|[ Inscrire heures de réadaptation NON travaillées]
|Update  Phone Numbers
|[ Delegate My Self-Service Approval Authority]
|[ Déléguer le pouvoir d'approbation de Mon Libre-service]
|Review Proxies with My Self-Service Approval Authority
|[ Accept or Reject a Self-Service Delegation Request]
|[ Accepter ou refuser une demande de délégation libre-service]
|[ Review Proxies with My Self-Service Approval Authority]
|[ Examiner mandataires avec mon pouvoir d'approbation libre-service]

Latest revision as of 12:29, 7 December 2023


Header for Wiki Staff-EN.PNG

Support for Employees

Access MyGCHR-EN.PNG Media:Logging_in_to_MyGCHR_for_the_first_time_-_EN.docx Introduction to MyGCHR Self-Service-EN.PNG
Introduction to UPK-EN.PNG Employee User Guide-EN.PNG ATSSC MyGCHR Service Desk-EN.PNG

MyGCHR "How-to" Procedures

View Your Personal Information Summary Visualiser le sommaire de vos données personnelles
Update Emergency Contacts Mettre à jour contacts en cas d'urgence
Update Phone Numbers Mettre à jour numéro de téléphone
View Your Monthly Schedule Visualiser votre horaire mensuel
Absence Management - Leave Module (video) Gérer les congés (vidéo)
View Your Leave Balances Visualiser vos soldes de congés
View Leave Request History and Details Visualiser l'historique et les détails des demandes de congé
Submit a Leave Request Soumettre une demande de congé
Delete a Leave Request Supprimer une demande de congé
Submit Request Requiring Section 34 Delegation (compensatory banked, leave without pay, additional hours, banked time earned) Soumettre demande exigeant la Délégation financière - Article 34 (congés compensatoires, congés sans solde, heures additionnelles, crédit heures)
Request a Leave Payout Demander le paiement d'un congé
Confirm and Submit your Mandatory Cashout Hours to a Manager Confirmer et soumettre vos heures de paiement obligatoire au gestionnaire
View Your Security Clearance, Education and Second Language Evaluation (SLE) Results Visualiser votre autorisation d'accès, éducation et évaluation de langue seconde
Submit Rehabilitation Hours Not Worked Inscrire heures de réadaptation NON travaillées
Delegate My Self-Service Approval Authority Déléguer le pouvoir d'approbation de Mon Libre-service
Accept or Reject a Self-Service Delegation Request Accepter ou refuser une demande de délégation libre-service
Review Proxies with My Self-Service Approval Authority Examiner mandataires avec mon pouvoir d'approbation libre-service