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=Return To Work=
==Key Messages==
* Protocol and measures will be put in place to ensure that the workplace is equipped to properly support returning personnel and making sure the space is safe.
* [Require specific details of how workplace is responding to:]
** open seating protocol;
** plexiglass at commissionaire stations;
** sanitizer availability and ordering;
** reducing chairs in boardrooms for meetings;
** kitchen protocols; and
** marking floor spaces, among others.
* Staff returning to the workplace will not be automatically tested for COVID-19. However, any DT member who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms is encouraged to get tested, following the advice of their provincial and territorial health authorities
* Should a staff member feel ill and be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, they are asked to inform their supervisor, go/stay home, and contact local public health authorities. This will be supported by management across the DT.
* Each supervisor, including myself, will be responsible for ensuring that staff are abiding by physical distancing requirements and PPE and PHM guidance within the workplace.
* Upon your return, you will notice that all Defence Establishments have been - or are being - marked with one-way pathways and staircases, and elevators only to be used by individuals with limited mobility.
* Hand sanitizer will be available at each entrance/exit and will be replenished when possible given the high demand for the product. More importantly, staff are encouraged to frequently wash their hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds, as this is the most effective way to sanitize hands.
* Direction on how cubicles can and should be occupied to maintain distancing has been received and you may notice some differences in how to access and use communal spaces. For example, you will see that washrooms, for the most part, will be single occupancy.
* As a Defence Team member, you are encouraged to continue to talk to your supervisor if there is a periodic or ongoing requirement for you to work from home due to COVID-19 related reasons (i.e. child care, elder care, symptoms, etc.).
* For all your HR-related questions, please contact HR Connect HR at 1-833-RHR-MDND (1-833-747-6363).
* Other important sources of information are the HR GO RH App. Please download the app from android and apple.
* Staying connected is important. Speak to supervisor if you have concerns or questions about returning to the workplace.
* Flexible work agreement can be made available to you and your supervisor if required to determine the best options for you.
* Have a discussion about desired business outcomes and how these can be achieved.
* Code 699 is being used out of compassion for those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have a presumed case of COVid-19 (so they don’t deplete their sick leave banks) or who need to care for children, parents or other members of the vulnerable population or those who are ready and available to work but their duties are non-critical and don’t lend themselves well to remote work or who are experiencing child care challenges.
== Business Resumption Narrative ==
* The DT continues to tailor its evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) response in close consultation and coordination with other Government of Canada (GC) departments and agencies, while simultaneously preparing for subsequent phases of the pandemic.
* DND/CAF as well as many of our other GC counterparts have continued working through the initial phase of this crisis – and in some cases harder, and in a focused way in responding to COVID-19 pandemic.
* During the initial response of COVID-19, various activities had to be temporarily suspended/deferred as they were no longer safe nor practical to do so under the circumstances or that the resources allocated to those activities were urgently needed elsewhere as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response.
* As we transition into the next phase of the crisis, the DT is preparing for the near-term resumption of a number of designated business activities across DND/CAF that were previously suspended/deferred. Specifically, a number of important activities related to training, recruitment and critical institutional support will resume on a limited basis when it has been deemed safe and appropriate to do so.
* Resumption of these activities is in response to the priorities set by the GC in response to the crisis while supporting ongoing recovery efforts and continuing to deliver on the DND mandate and related commitments as outlined in ''Strong, Secure, Engaged'' - Canada’s Defence Policy.
* These activities will be conducted within the context of a persistent COVID-19+ environment for the foreseeable future as a treatment or a vaccine does not yet exist and our understanding of this disease and its strategic implications are still evolving.
==Frequently Asked Questions==
Defence Team members are encouraged to refer to this page regularly for updated questions and answers regarding the Business Resumption Process (BRP) and the measures being taken around COVID-19 in the workplace.

Latest revision as of 16:12, 21 October 2020