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===1. Contexte===
===1. Background===
Le groupe de travail (GT) sur la diversité et l’inclusion (D et I) du SMA(Mat) de niveau 1 a été mis sur pied en 2021 pour soutenir les efforts du Groupe des matériels en vue d’accroître la diversité, l’inclusion et l’appartenance parmi ses membres. Le mouvement vers une plus grande diversité, inclusion et appartenance au sein du SMA(Mat) s’harmonise avec des mouvements similaires au sein du MDN, de la fonction publique et du Canada. Le greffier du Conseil privé a publié un Appel à l’action en faveur de la lutte contre le racisme, de l’équité et de l’inclusion dans la fonction publique fédérale.
The ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Working Group (WG) was created in 2021 to support Materiel Group efforts in increasing diversity, inclusion, and belonging among its members. The movement towards greater diversity, inclusion, and belonging in ADM(Mat) aligns with similar movements within DND, the Public Service, and Canada. The Clerk of the Privy Council issued a Call to action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion in the Federal Public Service. The President of the Treasury Board also published the diversity and inclusion areas of focus for the public service, which align with the Government’s Speech from the Throne and recent mandate letters. This, along with other government, ministerial, and group guidance and directives, forms the foundation of the direction and activities of the working group.
Le président du Conseil du Trésor a également publié le document Priorités de la fonction publique en matière de diversité et d’inclusion, harmonisé avec le discours du Trône du gouvernement et les récentes lettres de mandat. Ces documents, ainsi que d’autres orientations et directives gouvernementales, ministérielles et collectives, constituent le fondement de l’orientation et des activités du groupe de travail.
=== 2. Mandate ===
The focus of Materiel Group’s efforts is on its people and the co-creation of a vibrant environment of psychological safety and belonging. The organization’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, respect, and belonging is supported by making resources available for this work through the staffing of a full time L1 Diversity and Inclusion Advisor and supporting [[micro-mission]] assignments and working group activities. The organization is also committed to culture change and strongly supports the empowerment of its people to develop skills, awareness, and competencies to allow all to lift those around them towards an inclusive work environment.
# 2. Mandat
===3. [[Key Priorities - Vision Statement]]===
The Diversity and Inclusion Office`s foremost priority is to create and maintain a ‘psychologically safe workplace’ for all its Defence Team members, to advocate for transparency in work processes and raise the importance of micro-behaviours awareness. 
Les efforts du Groupe des matériels se concentrent sur son personnel et sur la création en collaboration d’un environnement dynamique de sécurité psychologique et d’appartenance. L’engagement de l’organisation en faveur de la diversité, de l’inclusion, du respect et de l’appartenance est soutenu par la mise à disposition de ressources pour ce travail au moyen de l’embauche d’un conseiller en diversité et inclusion de N1 à temps plein et le soutien de tâches de micro-mission et d’activités du GT. L’organisation s’est également engagée dans un changement de culture et soutient fermement l’autonomisation de ses employés pour qu’ils acquièrent des compétences, une prise de conscience et des capacités permettant à tous d’élever ceux qui les entourent vers un environnement de travail inclusif.
===4. Objectives===
===3. [[:en:File:French_2022_Vision_-_3_p.png|Priorités clés – énoncé de la vision]]===
# create a safe space for diversity and inclusion (D&I) conversations, discussion, raising of issues and challenges
La priorité du bureau de la diversité et de l’inclusion est de créer et de maintenir un « lieu de travail psychologiquement sûr » pour tous les membres de l’Équipe de la Défense, de plaider pour la transparence des processus de travail et d’insister sur l’importance des micro-comportements.   
# provide educational opportunities to increase learning in D&I
# raise awareness of D&I activities and initiatives within the Materiel Group, Defence Team, and other public servants
# share D&I best practices
# support the implementation and continual refresh of the Materiel Group D&I Action Plan
# co-create D&I education and information sessions and content
# share successes and challenges in improving D&I
# empower members with the tools, resources, and knowledge to lead D&I culture change advances in their own organizations
===5. [[:en:images/3/3d/Materiel_Group_CDIAP_Oct_2021..pdf|Action Plan]]===
Our Action Plan is a living document in our organization. All members of the Materiel Group will have the opportunity to provide advice and direction on the plan.   
===4. Objectives===
Together, leaders and employees are co-creating a culture of inclusion. Having diversity of views and an environment where people are comfortable expressing their opinions makes an organization great.  
# créer un espace sûr pour les conversations et les discussions sur la diversité et l’inclusion, et pour soulever les questions et les défis
We are rooted in people - seeking to create a vibrant environment of belonging. Through our commitment to diversity, inclusion and respect initiatives, professionalism and personal development, we empower our people to improve their lives and lift those around them.
# fournir des possibilités d’éducation pour accroître l’apprentissage en matière de D et I
# faire connaître les activités et les initiatives de D et I au sein du Groupe des matériels, de l’Équipe de la Défense et de l’ensemble des autres fonctionnaires
# examiner les pratiques exemplaires en matière de D et I
# soutenir la mise en œuvre et l’actualisation continue du plan d’action D et I du Groupe des matériels
# élaborer en collaboration des séances d’information et d’éducation D et I et leur contenu
# partager les réussites et les défis liés à l’amélioration de la D et I
# donner aux membres du personnel les outils, les ressources et les connaissances nécessaires pour mener à bien le changement de culture D et I dans leurs propres organisations
===5. [[:en:images/3/3d/Materiel_Group_CDIAP_Oct_2021..pdf|Action Plan]]===
====5.1. Eliminate employment equity gaps and meet legislative requirements:====
Le plan d’action est un document vivant au sein de l’organisation. Tous les membres du Groupe des matériels auront l’occasion de fournir des conseils et des orientations sur le plan.
====5.1. Éliminer les écarts d’équité en matière d’emploi et satisfaire aux exigences prévues par la loi :  ====
* Prioritize the hiring of Employment Equity groups that have gaps with respect to workforce availability.
* Accorder la priorité à l’embauche de membres des groupes visés par l’équité en matière d’emploi qui présentent des lacunes relatives à la disponibilité d’un effectif.
* Audit staffing practices to identify and remove systemic barriers to hiring a diverse workforce.  Action recommendation from HR-Civ to review existing pool data, usage, how pool data is being accessed and managed for unconscious bias.
* Vérifier les pratiques de dotation pour cerner et éliminer les obstacles systémiques à l’embauche d’un effectif diversifiée. Mettre en œuvre les recommandations de RH-Civ pour examiner les données existantes du bassin de prospects, l’utilisation, la façon d’accéder aux données du bassin et de les gérer pour cerner les préjugés inconscients.
* Provide guidance and advice on staffing to hiring managers by sharing resources such as the D&I lens tool and provide D&I advice on new hires. Also, serve a review function of language and content of marketing materials, posters, Statements of Merit Criteria (SOMCs), assessment tools, etc. Share and apply Gender Based Analysis (GBA+) checklists, tools, questions to support reviews. Finally, promote registration to Diverse Interviewer Inventory.
* Fournir des orientations et des conseils sur la dotation en personnel aux responsables du recrutement en partageant des ressources telles que l’outil de l’optique de D et I et fournir des conseils de D et I sur les nouveaux recrutements. Fournir également une fonction d’examen de la langue et du contenu du matériel de marketing, des affiches, des énoncés des critères de mérite (ECM), des outils d’évaluation, etc. Partager et appliquer les listes de vérification, les outils et les questions de l’analyse comparative entre les sexes (ACS+) à l’appui des examens. Enfin, promouvoir l’inscription au répertoire des enquêteurs de la diversité.
* Remove barriers to entry-level positions through the review of SOMCs to ensure that education and experience requirements are bona fide only and look for alternatives to formal education.
* Supprimer les obstacles aux postes de niveau débutant en examinant les ECM pour s’assurer que les exigences en matière d’éducation et d’expérience ne sont que de bonne foi et rechercher d’autres options aux études officielles.
====5.2. Expand Leadership Representatio====
====5.2. Expand Leadership Representation====
* En utilisant les postes vacants, promouvoir les groupes EE au sein des membres de la direction au moyen du Programme de perfectionnement des cadres (PPC), du bassin EX D et I (RH-Civ) et des bassins EX du Groupe des matériels. Utiliser le bassin des minorités visibles (MV), le cas échéant.
* Through the use of vacancies to promote EE groups to the EX cadre via Executive Development Program (EDP), D&I EX Pool (HR-Civ) and Mat Group EX pools. Use a Visible Minorities (VM) Pool when there is one.
* Cibler des membres de groupes divers pour le PPC. Les cadres supérieurs doivent se concentrer sur la représentation des groupes EE lors de la nomination des membres du personnel.
* Target diverse group members for the EDP. Senior managers to focus on EE group representation when nominating Members.
* Utiliser les possibilités d’intérim pour donner aux membres de groupes diversifiés une expérience de travail au niveau exécutif grâce à la détermination par le PPC et le DG de membres EE pour des postes d’intérimaires EX.
* Use acting opportunities to give diverse group members experience working at the executive level via EDP and DG’s identifying EE members for EX acting positions.
* Offrir des possibilités de mentorat aux futurs dirigeants issus de milieux divers, comme le Programme de cercles de mentorat « Diriger en soulevant les autres » (CMDSA).
* Offer mentorship opportunities for future leadership from diverse backgrounds such as the Lifting As You Lead Mentoring Circle (LLMC) Program Lead.
====5.3. Enhance Promotion Rate and Share for all Diversity Groups:  ====
====5.3. Enhance Promotion Rate and Share for all Diversity Groups:  ====
* Offrir un mentorat à tous les niveaux aux membres de divers groupes au moyen du PCMDE, et des programmes de mentorat des RH-Civ, des groupes d’approvisionnement (GA) et du groupe Génie. De même, utiliser les services de coaching des cadres dans le cadre du PPC.
* Offer mentoring at all levels for diverse group members through LLMC’s, and the HR-Civ, Procurement Groups (PG) and Engineer (ENG) mentoring programs. Also, use of Executive Coaching Services as part of EDP.
* Mettre sur pied des groupes de travail sur la diversité et l’inclusion (N1 et N2).
* Create L1 and L2 D&I working groups.
* Cerner le personnel qualifié par l’élaboration d’un processus permettant de déterminer et de soutenir les membres du Groupe des matériels qui se sont qualifiés dans des bassins de niveau supérieur en dehors du Groupe des matériels.
* Identify qualified personnel through the creation of a process to identify and support members from the Materiel Group that have qualified in higher level pools outside the Materiel Group.
=====5.4. Enhance and Enable Inclusive Practices:=====
=====5.4. Enhance and Enable Inclusive Practices:=====
* Acquérir les compétences et accroître la sensibilisation nécessaires pour faire progresser les membres de la direction dans le continuum de la diversité, de la minimisation à l’acceptation.
* Build skills and awareness to move the executive cadre along the diversity continuum from minimization to acceptance.
* Créer des affectations de micro-missions de N1 dans le domaine de la diversité et de l’inclusion.  
* Create L1 Micro-Mission Assignments in Diversity and Inclusion.  
* Élaborer un plan de communication approuvé qui tient compte des résultats du Sondage auprès des fonctionnaires fédéraux (SAFF) 2020 du SMA(Mat), et avoir des consultations actives permanentes avec les employés ainsi que des activités et des idées au sein du groupe de travail de N1. Mettre l’accent sur les outils d’action, le leadership et les communications HOT (honnêtes, ouvertes et transparentes). De même, utiliser des séances de discussions improvisées aux niveaux du groupe, de la division et de la direction, et utiliser la série virtuelle de conférenciers invités « Demandez-moi n’importe quoi » et le portail Web interne et la base de ressources.
* Create an approved Communications Plan that considers Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) 2020 ADM(Mat) results, ongoing active consultations with employees and L1 Working Group activities and ideas. Focus on tools for action, leadership; and HOT (Honest, Open, Transparent) communications. Also, use JAM sessions at Group, Division and Directorate levels, use the virtual Ask Me Anything (AMA) Series of guest speakers and internal web portal and resource base.
* Célébrer la diversité, l’inclusion et l’appartenance par la reconnaissance et la célébration de journées, de jours fériés et d’événements commémoratifs issus d’une diversité de religions, de cultures et d’observances internationales. Assurer la diffusion d’un calendrier mensuel multiculturel du Groupe des matériels.
* Celebrate diversity, inclusion and belonging through the recognition and celebration of commemorative days, holidays and events from a diversity of religions, cultures and international observances. Ensure the delivery of a monthly Materiel Group Multicultural Calendar.
====5.5. Embed Individual Accountability:====
====5.5. Embed Individual Accountability:====
* Organiser et partager des événements d’apprentissage sur le changement de culture afin de renforcer la compréhension et la sensibilisation à tous les aspects de la diversité, de l’inclusion et de l’appartenance au moyen d’activités mensuelles « Demandez-moi n’importe quoi » qui amplifient les voix des communautés marginalisées au moyen de fonctionnaires et d’experts en diversité au sein de la fonction publique.
* Organize and share culture change learning events to build understanding and awareness of all aspects of diversity, inclusion and belonging through monthly AMA events that amplify the voices of marginalized communities with public servants and diversity experts within the Public Service.
* Créer ensemble (membres du personnel et dirigeants) une culture d’inclusion par l’entremise de l’apprentissage. Chaque membre ajoute des activités d’instruction à son plan d’apprentissage, comme l’instruction sur les préjugés inconscients, les cours de D et I, l’instruction sur l’équité en matière d’emploi, l’instruction sur l’ACS+ et les cascades telles que : Lieu de travail respectueux, éthique, et diversité et inclusion.
* Employees and leaders co-create a culture of inclusion through learning. Each member adds training activities to their learning plan such as Unconscious Bias training, D&I courses, Employment Equity training, GBA+ training, and cascades such as: Respectful Workplace, Ethics, and Diversity and Inclusion.
* Créer ensemble (membres du personnel et dirigeants) une culture d’inclusion par l’entremise d’actions. Chaque membre inclut des activités de diversité et d’inclusion dans son EGR. C’est obligatoire, mais chacun choisit ses actions.
* Employees and leaders co-create a culture of inclusion through action. Each member includes diversity and inclusion activities on their Performance Management Agreement. This is mandatory, but everyone selects their actions.
===6. Adhésion===
===6. Membership===
{| class="wikitable"
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|ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Advisor.
|ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Advisor
* les membres du SMA(Mat) des niveaux 1 à 3 se désignent eux-mêmes ou sont désignés par leur chaîne de commandement
* Level 1 to Level 3 ADM(Mat) members self-nominated or nominated by their chain of command
* analyste de micro-mission en diversité et inclusion de niveau 1 du SMA(Mat)
* ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Micro-Mission analysts
|tous les membres intéressés du Groupe des matériels, de l’Équipe de la Défense et de la fonction publique fédérale qui souhaitent contribuer et transférer des connaissances aux initiatives de diversité et d’inclusion
|any interested members of the Materiel Group, Defence Team and Federal Public Service members who want to contribute and knowledge transfer diversity and inclusion initiatives
=== 7. Responsibilities: ===
=== 7. Responsibilities ===
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* Create a safe space to facilitate open and effective communication within the WG.
* create a safe space to facilitate open and effective communication within the working group
* Organize and host WG meetings.
* organize and host working group meetings
* Share knowledge and information with openness and transparency with the WG.
* share knowledge and information with openness and transparency with the working group
* Report on WG activities to L0, L1, L2 leadership.
* report on working group activities to L0, L1, L2 leadership
* Support WG members to develop L2 and L3 plans and activities.
* support working group members to develop L2 and L3 plans and activities
* Sponsor L2 and L3 D&I initiatives.
* sponsor L2 and L3 diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives
* Raise awareness of WG activities and best practices to other Defence Team groups and Federal Public Service organizations.
* raise awareness of working group activities and best practices with other Defence Team groups and Federal Public Service organizations
* Share D&I activities and best practices of other Defence Team groups and Federal Public Service organizations.
* share D&I activities and best practices of other Defence Team groups and Federal Public Service organizations
* Solicit advice, feedback, and input from WG.
* Solicit advice, feedback, and input from the working group
* Participate in WG meetings.
* participate in working group meetings
* Participate in L1 D&I and WG activities and initiatives.
* participate in L1 D&I working group activities and initiatives
* Share L2 organizational D&I activities and initiatives
* share L2 organizational D&I activities and initiatives
* Distribute information and knowledge from WG to their L2 and L3 organizations.
* distribute information and knowledge from the working group to their L2 and L3 organizations
* Create safe spaces for discussion and learning within their L2 and L3 organizations.
* create safe spaces for discussion and learning within their L2 and L3 organizations
* Promote WG activities and initiatives within their L2 organization.
* promote working group activities and initiatives within their L2 organization
* Maintain open D&I relationship with senior leadership of their L2 organization.
* maintain open D&I relationship with senior leadership of their L2 organization
* Build L2 and L3 D&I action plans.
* build L2 and L3 D&I action plans
* Build L2 and L3 D&I working groups.
* build L2 and L3 D&I working groups
* Solicit advice, feedback, and input from L2 and L3 organizations.
* solicit advice, feedback, and input from L2 and L3 organizations
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=== 8. Meetings ===
=== 8. Meetings ===
* Meetings are scheduled and organized by the WG Chair or their delegate biweekly.-<blockquote>Frequency are adjusted as needed</blockquote>
* Agendas and relevant attachments are shared prior to the meeting.
* Meeting minutes are provided before the meeting along with any additional attachments.
Meetings are scheduled and organized by the Working Group Chair or their delegate biweekly:
* Meetings take place virtually using the MS Teams platform.
* Time is set aside at each meeting for round table discussion to include, but not limited to:<blockquote>Successes or lessons learned on D&I initiatives and engagement efforts;  Communications challenges and requests for help / ideas;  Opportunities to collaborate, co-create,  cross-promote;  Activities that might be scalable or transferrable across organizations.</blockquote>
* frequency is adjusted as needed
* WG members or observers are welcome to contribute to meeting Agenda and to invite other participants to attend.
* agendas and relevant attachments will be shared prior to the meeting
* Meetings provide opportunity for invited guests from outside the WG to share activities, initiatives, successes and challenges.
* meeting minutes are provided before the meeting along with any additional attachments
* meetings take place virtually using the MS Teams platform
* time is set aside at each meeting for round table discussion to include, but not limited to:
** successes or lessons learned on D&I initiatives and engagement efforts
** communications challenges and requests for help and ideas
** opportunities to collaborate, co-create, cross-promote
** activities that might be scalable or transferrable across organizations
The agenda and minutes for the meetings are at Diversity and Inclusion Working Group meetings.
=== 9. Recordkeeping ===
=== 9. Recordkeeping ===
All WG documents and information, including Terms of Referenc, Meeting Agendas and Minutes are maintained on the WG Intranet page and SharePoint site.
All working group documents and information are maintained on the Materiel Group intranet page for the working group.

Latest revision as of 23:05, 14 June 2022

1. Background

The ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Working Group (WG) was created in 2021 to support Materiel Group efforts in increasing diversity, inclusion, and belonging among its members. The movement towards greater diversity, inclusion, and belonging in ADM(Mat) aligns with similar movements within DND, the Public Service, and Canada. The Clerk of the Privy Council issued a Call to action on anti-racism, equity, and inclusion in the Federal Public Service. The President of the Treasury Board also published the diversity and inclusion areas of focus for the public service, which align with the Government’s Speech from the Throne and recent mandate letters. This, along with other government, ministerial, and group guidance and directives, forms the foundation of the direction and activities of the working group.

2. Mandate

The focus of Materiel Group’s efforts is on its people and the co-creation of a vibrant environment of psychological safety and belonging. The organization’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, respect, and belonging is supported by making resources available for this work through the staffing of a full time L1 Diversity and Inclusion Advisor and supporting micro-mission assignments and working group activities. The organization is also committed to culture change and strongly supports the empowerment of its people to develop skills, awareness, and competencies to allow all to lift those around them towards an inclusive work environment.

3. Key Priorities - Vision Statement

The Diversity and Inclusion Office`s foremost priority is to create and maintain a ‘psychologically safe workplace’ for all its Defence Team members, to advocate for transparency in work processes and raise the importance of micro-behaviours awareness.

4. Objectives

  1. create a safe space for diversity and inclusion (D&I) conversations, discussion, raising of issues and challenges
  2. provide educational opportunities to increase learning in D&I
  3. raise awareness of D&I activities and initiatives within the Materiel Group, Defence Team, and other public servants
  4. share D&I best practices
  5. support the implementation and continual refresh of the Materiel Group D&I Action Plan
  6. co-create D&I education and information sessions and content
  7. share successes and challenges in improving D&I
  8. empower members with the tools, resources, and knowledge to lead D&I culture change advances in their own organizations

5. Action Plan

Our Action Plan is a living document in our organization. All members of the Materiel Group will have the opportunity to provide advice and direction on the plan.

Together, leaders and employees are co-creating a culture of inclusion. Having diversity of views and an environment where people are comfortable expressing their opinions makes an organization great.

We are rooted in people - seeking to create a vibrant environment of belonging. Through our commitment to diversity, inclusion and respect initiatives, professionalism and personal development, we empower our people to improve their lives and lift those around them.

5.1. Eliminate employment equity gaps and meet legislative requirements:

  • Prioritize the hiring of Employment Equity groups that have gaps with respect to workforce availability.
  • Audit staffing practices to identify and remove systemic barriers to hiring a diverse workforce.  Action recommendation from HR-Civ to review existing pool data, usage, how pool data is being accessed and managed for unconscious bias.
  • Provide guidance and advice on staffing to hiring managers by sharing resources such as the D&I lens tool and provide D&I advice on new hires. Also, serve a review function of language and content of marketing materials, posters, Statements of Merit Criteria (SOMCs), assessment tools, etc. Share and apply Gender Based Analysis (GBA+) checklists, tools, questions to support reviews. Finally, promote registration to Diverse Interviewer Inventory.
  • Remove barriers to entry-level positions through the review of SOMCs to ensure that education and experience requirements are bona fide only and look for alternatives to formal education.

5.2. Expand Leadership Representation

  • Through the use of vacancies to promote EE groups to the EX cadre via Executive Development Program (EDP), D&I EX Pool (HR-Civ) and Mat Group EX pools. Use a Visible Minorities (VM) Pool when there is one.
  • Target diverse group members for the EDP. Senior managers to focus on EE group representation when nominating Members.
  • Use acting opportunities to give diverse group members experience working at the executive level via EDP and DG’s identifying EE members for EX acting positions.
  • Offer mentorship opportunities for future leadership from diverse backgrounds such as the Lifting As You Lead Mentoring Circle (LLMC) Program Lead.

5.3. Enhance Promotion Rate and Share for all Diversity Groups:  

  • Offer mentoring at all levels for diverse group members through LLMC’s, and the HR-Civ, Procurement Groups (PG) and Engineer (ENG) mentoring programs. Also, use of Executive Coaching Services as part of EDP.
  • Create L1 and L2 D&I working groups.
  • Identify qualified personnel through the creation of a process to identify and support members from the Materiel Group that have qualified in higher level pools outside the Materiel Group.
5.4. Enhance and Enable Inclusive Practices:
  • Build skills and awareness to move the executive cadre along the diversity continuum from minimization to acceptance.
  • Create L1 Micro-Mission Assignments in Diversity and Inclusion.  
  • Create an approved Communications Plan that considers Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) 2020 ADM(Mat) results, ongoing active consultations with employees and L1 Working Group activities and ideas. Focus on tools for action, leadership; and HOT (Honest, Open, Transparent) communications. Also, use JAM sessions at Group, Division and Directorate levels, use the virtual Ask Me Anything (AMA) Series of guest speakers and internal web portal and resource base.
  • Celebrate diversity, inclusion and belonging through the recognition and celebration of commemorative days, holidays and events from a diversity of religions, cultures and international observances. Ensure the delivery of a monthly Materiel Group Multicultural Calendar.

5.5. Embed Individual Accountability:

  • Organize and share culture change learning events to build understanding and awareness of all aspects of diversity, inclusion and belonging through monthly AMA events that amplify the voices of marginalized communities with public servants and diversity experts within the Public Service.
  • Employees and leaders co-create a culture of inclusion through learning. Each member adds training activities to their learning plan such as Unconscious Bias training, D&I courses, Employment Equity training, GBA+ training, and cascades such as: Respectful Workplace, Ethics, and Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Employees and leaders co-create a culture of inclusion through action. Each member includes diversity and inclusion activities on their Performance Management Agreement. This is mandatory, but everyone selects their actions.

6. Membership

Chair ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Advisor
  • Level 1 to Level 3 ADM(Mat) members self-nominated or nominated by their chain of command
  • ADM(Mat) Level 1 Diversity and Inclusion Micro-Mission analysts
Allies any interested members of the Materiel Group, Defence Team and Federal Public Service members who want to contribute and knowledge transfer diversity and inclusion initiatives

7. Responsibilities

  • create a safe space to facilitate open and effective communication within the working group
  • organize and host working group meetings
  • share knowledge and information with openness and transparency with the working group
  • report on working group activities to L0, L1, L2 leadership
  • support working group members to develop L2 and L3 plans and activities
  • sponsor L2 and L3 diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives
  • raise awareness of working group activities and best practices with other Defence Team groups and Federal Public Service organizations
  • share D&I activities and best practices of other Defence Team groups and Federal Public Service organizations
  • Solicit advice, feedback, and input from the working group
  • participate in working group meetings
  • participate in L1 D&I working group activities and initiatives
  • share L2 organizational D&I activities and initiatives
  • distribute information and knowledge from the working group to their L2 and L3 organizations
  • create safe spaces for discussion and learning within their L2 and L3 organizations
  • promote working group activities and initiatives within their L2 organization
  • maintain open D&I relationship with senior leadership of their L2 organization
  • build L2 and L3 D&I action plans
  • build L2 and L3 D&I working groups
  • solicit advice, feedback, and input from L2 and L3 organizations
  • Participate in WG meetings.
  • Share and contribute to diversity and inclusion activities and initiatives.

8. Meetings

Meetings are scheduled and organized by the Working Group Chair or their delegate biweekly:

  • frequency is adjusted as needed
  • agendas and relevant attachments will be shared prior to the meeting
  • meeting minutes are provided before the meeting along with any additional attachments
  • meetings take place virtually using the MS Teams platform
  • time is set aside at each meeting for round table discussion to include, but not limited to:
    • successes or lessons learned on D&I initiatives and engagement efforts
    • communications challenges and requests for help and ideas
    • opportunities to collaborate, co-create, cross-promote
    • activities that might be scalable or transferrable across organizations

The agenda and minutes for the meetings are at Diversity and Inclusion Working Group meetings.

9. Recordkeeping

All working group documents and information are maintained on the Materiel Group intranet page for the working group.