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Latest revision as of 22:37, 2 March 2021

March 2021 News!

Who Are We and What Do We Do?

The YMAGIN Employee Engagement Network is a joint initiative between all YMAGIN networks, to support the Beyond 2020 focus of fostering a public service that is more agile, inclusive and equipped.” The network is for youth or any new public service employee.

This initiative aims to maximize the ESDC YMAGIN network by allowing employees to work together on interesting projects in order to gain valuable public service work experience, while promoting the YMAGIN community of practice. It also aims to foster a strong team of local site ambassadors interested in promoting YMAGIN initiatives.

The launch of this newsletter will facilitate access to the latest YMAGIN news, trainings, and information to assist you on your career path, and provide opportunities to network and get involved. Ill provide you with other helpful resources.

What’s New?

Bell Let’s Talk Day

On January 28, 2021, (add event and registration information here).

Indigenous Peoples: Learning at your fingertips

On December 7, 2020, the Canada School of Public Service launched Reconciliation: A Starting Point, a new mobile learning application on the topic of Indigenous Peoples and their realities. For app info, select a link below:

  • English  
  • French  
  • Download the app on the App Store (iOS):  

Or Google Play (Android):

  • The HTML web-based app version is available on GCcampus  

Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+)

Background: “GBA+ is an analytical process used to assess how diverse groups of women, men, and gender diverse people may experience policies, programs and initiatives. The Government of Canada first committed to using GBA+ to advance gender equality in Canada, in 1995, as part of the ratification of the United Nations’ Beijing Platform for Action.” - Source

Resources available:

  • Transcripts and micro learning videos; and
  • Training

Coffee Break Chats

  • What is your biggest challenge during Covid-19?
  • What is your most fun learning or discovery during Covid-19?

Please submit your stories to ec.rnj-nyn.ec@canada.ca

Let your YMAGINation soar!

  • To volunteer to interview colleagues for the newsletter and podcasts
  • To volunteer to be interviewed for the newsletter and podcasts
  • To submit subjects for the newsletter and podcasts
  • To submit event ideas on our discussion board!
  • To share your story, submit a photograph and description of an activity you are doing or something you have created during Covid! No judgement!

If any of these appeals to you, please contact ec.rnj-nyn.ec@canada.ca

Connect with YMAGIN on GC Connex



YMAGIN Atlantic


YMAGIN Nanaimo




Connect with Colleagues  

What are you doing to stay connected?

  • Please [us] so we can include it here! Example: Elisabeth, from ESDC-HRSB in Gatineau, has joined GC Connex Groups and other groups, to stay connected!
  • Federal Government Youth Engagement Initiatives
  • Employment Equity and Diversity Partnership Network

Federal Youth Network (FYN) Virtual Learning Series

FYN Background:  

“The Federal Youth Network (FYN) is the national network for young and new public servants across the Public Service of Canada. It began in 2002 and seeks to foster and promote engagement, innovation and career development through in-person and virtual programming such as Career Boot Camp and the FYN Virtual Learning Series.” For more information on the FYN Virtual Learning Series, select a link below:

Career Boot Camp:  

The Career Boot Camp series took place between January 11 and February 3, 2021. It involved an introductory session, followed by a series of learning events with topics that included, “Transferring your Most Valuable Skills to the Public Service”, “Engaging an Audience Through Storytelling”, “Speed Mentoring” and much more!

Connect with FYN

On GC Connex:

Region Find them on GC Connex
Alberta OXYGEN
Quebec / Québec FYNQ / RJFFQ

In other places:

Where? How?  
Linked In

Other Resources to Boost Your Career

Please note that you may need to obtain supervisor approval to attend training.

Canada School of Public Service: You will need to set up an account.

ESDC-Saba Learning Management System: You will need to set up an account.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health J

These are challenging times and mental health is an important part of our overall health.  The good news?  The Federal Government of Canada has a variety of resources available! If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1 or the number for emergency services in your community. You are not alone.

Peer Support Program  

  • A supportive network between people who have a lived experience.
  • To access this program, complete an online form.

Employee Assistance Program  

  • A voluntary, confidential service to help employees with personal concerns that affect well-being and/or work performance.
  • To access this 24/7 program,
  • Phone: 1-800-268-7708
  • TTY: 1-800-567-5803 (for people with hearing impairments)  

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness, Help Line:

  • To access this 24/7 program,
  • Phone: 1-855-242-3310
  • Online chat: hopeforwellness.ca
  • Other Indigenous Programs and Services

Other Resources  

Manager-to-Manager Network

  • Managers at all levels can connect and empower each other in an informal, safe and confidential platform to help sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace for their employees.

Mental Health Passport

  • A booklet of articles, tips and activities that influence health and happiness.

Covid-19 Self-Care and Resilience Guide

  • Contains helpful tips, from the Mental Health Commission of Canada

Mental Health and COVID-19 for Public Servants: Protect Your Mental Health

  • A Federal Government web site dedicated to mental health resources, including Mental health and wellness during COVID-19, Mental health in the workplace, Coping with stress, Self-care and resilience, Financial well-being, and Additional resources.  

Follow us on Twitter!

YMAGIN Tweets!

Image Sources:

  • Image 1: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=u6QZNoEn&id=B2FDDA7863E7B8F4779A2C0182FD8F39C3B9D80F&thid=OIP.u6QZNoEn0E3CT8oGmlNKPwHaEc&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fhellohumans.co%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2017%2f11%2fcoffee-break_WEB.png&exph=614&expw=1024&q=coffee+break&simid=608015095949885702&ck=21A8C90B250BE2224954C32ED04548AA&selectedIndex=6&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0
  • Image 2: T:\CKD-CPS\ISPC-CPSR\INS-ASSUR\Projects\000-Graphics\Cartoon