
Content description for a course offered by PSPC Digital Innovation Network called Working Effectively in Windows Environment
''This content alpha phase. Regular updates are made.''

=== '''About the Session''' ===
At PSPC we use Windows every day. Working from home introduces some new challenges for those of us who are used to working in a traditional office setting.  At work we can easily collaborate with colleagues, print documents, get on site support for our workstations. These become more difficult in a work from home scenario. This session is focused on giving users some tips and tricks to help make their move to a work from home setup on your personal or PSPC issued computer more enjoyable. The tips and tricks you will learn are also useful when we do return to an office-based work setting.

=== Some things you will learn: ===
* Setting up your Windows environment
* Setting up your screen resolution and using multiple monitors
* Digital productivity tips, including using Sticky Notes and taking screenshots using the Snipping tool
* Tips to working without a printer   

* Some basic Microsoft Office tips and tricks for Word and Excel
* How to quickly find files on your hard drive
* Using the Windows key effectively
* Using features of the Chrome (browser)
* Electronically signing PDF forms

=== Who Should Take This Session? ===
* Everyone who uses a Windows device at work or at home
* People new to working from home in a digital working environment (paperless)

* People looking to improve their productivity while working from home or in the office
* Microsoft Office users (Office 2013, Office 2019, Microsoft 365)

=== What You Will Need for This Session: ===
* A laptop or desktop that uses a Windows operating system (Linux and OSX not supported)  

* Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)