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'''<big>[[Diversity and Inclusion Office|Homepage]] | [[Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles Program 2024|LLMC 2024]] | [[Bibliothèque d'apprentissage|FR]]</big>'''
'''<big>[[Diversity and Inclusion Office|Homepage]] | [[Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles Program 2024|LLMC 2024]] | [[Bibliothèque d'apprentissage|FR]]</big>'''
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== Circle #1: Sponsorship and Career Building ==
== <big>Sponsorship and Career Building</big> ==
=== <small>Books</small> ===
=== <big>Books</big> ===
* Betting on You by Laurie Ruettimann (English only)
* <big>Betting on You by Laurie Ruettimann (English only)</big>
* What Color is your Parachute? By Richard Bolles (2020 ed)
* <big>What Color is your Parachute? By Richard Bolles (2020 ed)</big>
* The Sponsor Effect: How to be a Better Leader by Investing in Others by Sylvia Ann Hewlett (English only) (audiobook available)
* <big>The Sponsor Effect: How to be a Better Leader by Investing in Others by Sylvia Ann Hewlett (English only) (audiobook available)</big>
* The Start-Up of You by Ben Casnocha and Reid Hoffman (English audiobook available)
* <big>The Start-Up of You by Ben Casnocha and Reid Hoffman (English audiobook available)</big>
* Power Moves by Lauren McGoodwin (English only) (audiobook available)
* <big>Power Moves by Lauren McGoodwin (English only) (audiobook available)</big>
=== <small>Videos</small> ===
=== <big>Videos</big> ===
* [ How to build your confidence – and spark it in others]  
* [ <big>How to build your confidence – and spark it in others</big>]
* [ The key to building self confidence and what we’re doing wrong]  
* [ <big>The key to building self confidence and what we’re doing wrong</big>]
* [ Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling]
* [ <big>Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling</big>]
* [ How to find the person to help you get ahead at work]  
* [ <big>How to find the person to help you get ahead at work</big>]
=== <small>Articles</small> ===
=== <big>Articles</big> ===
* [ Don’t Get lucky, Get a Champion]  
* <big>[ Don’t Get lucky, Get a Champion]  </big>
* [ Pourquoi et comment faire un plan de carrière?]   
* <big>[ Pourquoi et comment faire un plan de carrière?]   </big>
* [ Building Confidence and Self Belief to Thrive in your Career]   
* <big>[ Building Confidence and Self Belief to Thrive in your Career]   </big>
* [ La démarche pour exposer que vous êtes mûr pour une promotion]
* [ <big>La démarche pour exposer que vous êtes mûr pour une promotion</big>]
* [ How to do Sponsorship Right]
* [ <big>How to do Sponsorship Right</big>]
* [[:en:images/b/ba/Tips_for_protégés_on_working_with_your_sponsor.pdf|Tips for working with a sponsor or protégé]]
* [[:en:images/b/ba/Tips_for_protégés_on_working_with_your_sponsor.pdf|<big>Tips for working with a sponsor or protégé</big>]]
=== <small>Government of Canada Programs</small> ===
=== <big>Government of Canada Programs</big> ===
* [ Building Career Development Programs and Succession Planning]
* [ <big>Building Career Development Programs and Succession Planning</big>]
* [ Development Programs]
* [ <big>Development Programs</big>]
* [ Mentorship Plus (Sponsorship) Program]
* [ <big>Mentorship Plus (Sponsorship) Program</big>]
* [ Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative - leadership and career development program open to Indigenous indeterminate Government of Canada employees at the EX, EX minus 1,  and EX minus 2 levels]  
* [ <big>Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative - leadership and career development program open to Indigenous indeterminate Government of Canada employees at the EX, EX minus 1,  and EX minus 2 levels</big>]
* [ GCConnex]
* [ <big>GCConnex</big>]
=== <small>Government of Canada Websites</small> ===
=== <big>Government of Canada Websites</big> ===
* [ GC Jobs – search for jobs and get daily emails of new opportunities]
* [ <big>GC Jobs – search for jobs and get daily emails of new opportunities</big>]
* [ Career Marketplace - find job opportunities in the Government of Canada]  
* [ <big>Career Marketplace - find job opportunities in the Government of Canada</big>]
* [ Applying for Government of Canada Jobs - details to help you succeed in the job competition process, including sample questions for tests and interviews]
* [ <big>Applying for Government of Canada Jobs - details to help you succeed in the job competition process, including sample questions for tests and interviews</big>]
* [ Career Development in the Public Service - career pathing and job competition tips]  
* [ <big>Career Development in the Public Service - career pathing and job competition tips</big>]
* [ Managing Your Career - resources for career development and career counseling]
* [ <big>Managing Your Career - resources for career development and career counseling</big>]
== Circle #2: Inclusive Leadership ==
== <big>Inclusive Leadership</big> ==
=== <small>Books</small> ===
=== <big>Books</big> ===
* The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
* <big>The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni</big>
* Gestionnaires inspirants: Les 10 règles de communication des leaders par Isabelle Lord
* <big>Gestionnaires inspirants: Les 10 règles de communication des leaders par Isabelle Lord</big>
* The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John C. Maxwell
* <big>The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John C. Maxwell</big>
* Mastering Leadership by Robert J. Anderson et al.  
* <big>Mastering Leadership by Robert J. Anderson et al.</big>
* Le leader sans titre par Robin Sharma
* <big>Le leader sans titre par Robin Sharma</big>
=== <small>Videos</small> ===
=== <big>Videos</big> ===
* [ We Need Leaders Who Boldly Champion Inclusion]  
* [ <big>We Need Leaders Who Boldly Champion Inclusion</big>]
* [ How Reverse Mentorship Can Help Create Better Leaders]  
* <big>[ How Reverse Mentorship Can Help Create Better Leaders]  </big>
* [ Want to Truly Succeed? Lift Others up While You Climb]  
* [ <big>Want to Truly Succeed? Lift Others up While You Climb</big>]
* [ 3 Ways to be a Better Ally in the Workplace]  
* [ <big>3 Ways to be a Better Ally in the Workplace</big>]
* [ How to Foster True Diversity and Inclusion at Work (and in Your Community)]  
* [ <big>How to Foster True Diversity and Inclusion at Work (and in Your Community)</big>]
* [ How to Find the Person Who Can Help You Get Ahead at Work]  
* [ <big>How to Find the Person Who Can Help You Get Ahead at Work</big>]
* [ Keys to Leadership Communication](For all Lifespeak resources, you will be required to input an access ID:input '''canada''', then scroll down, accept terms and conditions and then choose your GoC department to access the site.)
* <big>[ Keys to Leadership Communication](For all Lifespeak resources, you will be required to input an access ID:input '''canada''', then scroll down, accept terms and conditions and then choose your GoC department to access the site.)</big>
=== <small>Articles</small> ===
=== <big>Articles</big> ===
* [ How to Mentor and Support Other Women – and Help Them Succeed]  
* <big>[ How to Mentor and Support Other Women – and Help Them Succeed]  </big>
* [ Les 10 qualités d’un vrai leader]  
* [ <big>Les 10 qualités d’un vrai leader</big>]
*[ Diversity at Work]
*[ <big>Diversity at Work</big>]
* [ The Key to Inclusive Leadership]  
* [ <big>The Key to Inclusive Leadership</big>]
* [ 6 Leadership Paradoxes for the Post Pandemic Era]
* [ <big>6 Leadership Paradoxes for the Post Pandemic Era</big>]
=== <small>Government of Canada Resources</small> ===
=== <big>Government of Canada Resources</big> ===
* [ LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Become a leader)]
* [ <big>LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Become a leader)</big>]
* [ Inhersight – a woman-focused career advice and company review website]  
* [ <big>Inhersight – a woman-focused career advice and company review website</big>]
* [ Key Leadership Competencies]  
* <big>[ Key Leadership Competencies]  </big>
* [ Canada School of Public Service - Becoming a Supervisor]      
* <big>[ Canada School of Public Service - Becoming a Supervisor]    </big>
* [ The Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference]          
* <big>[ The Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference]        </big>
* [ CSPS Leadership Learning Path]
* [ <big>CSPS Leadership Learning Path</big>]
* [ CSPS Manager Development Program]
* [ <big>CSPS Manager Development Program</big>]
== Circle #3: Mastering the Art of Negotiation ==
== <big>Mastering the Art of Negotiation</big> ==
=== <small>Books</small> ===
=== <big>Books</big> ===
* The Art of Persuasion: Winning Without Intimidation by Bob Burg
* <big>The Art of Persuasion: Winning Without Intimidation by Bob Burg</big>
* Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins into Big Gains by Deborah M. Kolb & Jessica L. Porter
* <big>Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins into Big Gains by Deborah M. Kolb & Jessica L. Porter</big>
* Psychologie de la négociation par Jean Poitras
* <big>Psychologie de la négociation par Jean Poitras</big>
* Women Don’t Ask – Negotiation and the Gender Divide by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
* <big>Women Don’t Ask – Negotiation and the Gender Divide by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever</big>
* Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Robert Fisher and William Ury
* <big>Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Robert Fisher and William Ury</big>
=== <small>Videos</small> ===
=== <big>Videos</big> ===
* [ Negotiation Advice: Win by Working Together]
* [ <big>Negotiation Advice: Win by Working Together</big>]
* [ Interview Tips, Salary Negotiation Strategies & How to Reclaim your Value]  
* [ <big>Interview Tips, Salary Negotiation Strategies & How to Reclaim your Value</big>]
* [ Négociation: ne cherchez pas le compromis]  
* [ <big>Négociation: ne cherchez pas le compromis</big>]
* [ La négociation gagnant-gagnant]  
* [ <big>La négociation gagnant-gagnant</big>]
* [ How to prepare for a negotiation]
* [ <big>How to prepare for a negotiation</big>]
=== <small>Articles</small> ===
=== <big>Articles</big> ===
* [ Cinq clés pour une conversation difficile]  
* <big>[ Cinq clés pour une conversation difficile]  </big>
* [ Dix astuces pour devenir un bon négociateur]   
* <big>[ Dix astuces pour devenir un bon négociateur] </big>
* [ 5 stages of the negotiation process]                                                                                 
* <big>[ 5 stages of the negotiation process]                                                                               </big>
* [ Emotion and the Art of Negotiation]  
* [ <big>Emotion and the Art of Negotiation</big>]
* [,authority%20to%20decide%20all%20matters Negotiating: The top Ten Ways that Culture Can Affect your Negotiation]  
* [,authority%20to%20decide%20all%20matters <big>Negotiating: The top Ten Ways that Culture Can Affect your Negotiation</big>]
=== <small>Government of Canada Programs</small> ===
=== <big>Government of Canada Programs</big> ===
* [ Introduction to Negotiation]
* [ <big>Introduction to Negotiation</big>]
* [ Collaborative Learning for Managers]
* [ <big>Collaborative Learning for Managers</big>]
* [ Training Workshops - Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services]
* [ <big>Training Workshops - Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services</big>]
== Circle #4: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: A Non-Performative Approach ==
== <big>Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: A Non-Performative Approach</big> ==
=== <small>Books</small> ===
=== <big>Books</big> ===
* The Skin We’re In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power by Desmond Cole
* <big>The Skin We’re In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power by Desmond Cole</big>
* Les diversités en milieux de travail: Discrimination, égalité des chances et inclusion par Michel Racine et Yves Hallée
* <big>Les diversités en milieux de travail: Discrimination, égalité des chances et inclusion par Michel Racine et Yves Hallée</big>
* Building a House for Diversity: A Fable about a Giraffe & an Elephant Offers New Strategies for Today’s Workforce by Roosevelt Thomas and Marjorie Woodruff
* <big>Building a House for Diversity: A Fable about a Giraffe & an Elephant Offers New Strategies for Today’s Workforce by Roosevelt Thomas and Marjorie Woodruff</big>
* How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram Kendi
* <big>How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram Kendi</big>
* Viola Desmond’s Canada: A History of Blacks and Racial Segregation in the Promised Land by Graham Reynolds et al.
* <big>Viola Desmond’s Canada: A History of Blacks and Racial Segregation in the Promised Land by Graham Reynolds et al.</big>
=== <small>Videos</small> ===
=== <big>Videos</big> ===
* [ Get comfortable with being uncomfortable]  
* [ <big>Get comfortable with being uncomfortable</big>]
* [ How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace]   
* <big>[ How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace] </big>
* [ How diversity makes teams more innovative] 
* <big>[ How diversity makes teams more innovative] </big>
* [ The world needs all kinds of minds]   
* <big>[ The world needs all kinds of minds] </big>
* [ Disability Inclusion in the Public Service of Canada: Hélène's Story]
* [ <big>Disability Inclusion in the Public Service of Canada: Hélène's Story</big>]
* [ <big>The Time is Now for Black Canadians in the Public Service</big>]
* [ <big>Understanding the role of privilege in relation to public health ethics and practice</big>]
=== <small>Articles</small> ===
=== <big>Articles</big> ===
* [ Racism in Canada is ever-present, but we have a long history of denial]  
* [ <big>Racism in Canada is ever-present, but we have a long history of denial</big>]
* [ Comment l’inclusion et la diversité peuvent améliorer votre entreprise]  
* [ <big>Comment l’inclusion et la diversité peuvent améliorer votre entreprise</big>]
*[ Gestion de la diversité, de l’équité et de l’inclusion (GÉDI)]
*[ <big>Gestion de la diversité, de l’équité et de l’inclusion (GÉDI)</big>]
* [ Diversity wins: How inclusion matters]  
* [ <big>Diversity wins: How inclusion matters</big>]
* [ Keeping Up-To-Date With 2SLGBTQIA+ Terminology] (For all Lifespeak resources, you will be required to input an access ID:input '''canada''', then scroll down, accept terms and conditions and then choose your GoC department to access the site.)
* <big>[ Keeping Up-To-Date With 2SLGBTQIA+ Terminology] (For all Lifespeak resources, you will be required to input an access ID:input '''canada''', then scroll down, accept terms and conditions and then choose your GoC department to access the site.)</big>
=== <small>Government of Canada Resources</small> ===
=== <big>Government of Canada Resources</big> ===
* [ Government of Canada Diversity and Inclusion Conference Web Resources - Web Resources Focused on Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion]
* [ <big>Government of Canada Diversity and Inclusion Conference Web Resources - Web Resources Focused on Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion</big>]
* [ Statistics Canada: Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion Statistics - Statistics covering the population of Canada from children and youth to the various employment seeking groups]
* [ <big>Statistics Canada: Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion Statistics - Statistics covering the population of Canada from children and youth to the various employment seeking groups</big>]
* [ Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat: Centre on Diversity and Inclusion - Centre dedicated to the barriers and challenges to achieving a diverse and inclusive workforce]
* [ <big>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat: Centre on Diversity and Inclusion - Centre dedicated to the barriers and challenges to achieving a diverse and inclusive workforce</big>]
* [ Inclusive Hiring Practices for a Diverse Workforce]
* [ <big>Inclusive Hiring Practices for a Diverse Workforce</big>]
* [ Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion]
* [ <big>Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion</big>]
=== <small>Websites</small> ===
=== <big>Websites</big> ===
* [ Harvard Implicit Bias Test]
* [ <big>Harvard Implicit Bias Test</big>]
* [ Georgetown University’s Anti-Racism Toolkit Glossary]
* [ <big>Georgetown University’s Anti-Racism Toolkit Glossary</big>]
* [ LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Anti-Racism)]
* [ <big>LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Anti-Racism)</big>]
* [ LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging)]
* [ <big>LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging)</big>]
== Circle #5: Navigating Your Career Through Change | Self-Compassion & Neuroplasticity ==
== <big>Navigating Your Career Through Change | Self-Compassion & Neuroplasticity</big> ==
=== <small>Books</small> ===
=== <big>Books</big> ===
* Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth by Matthew Kelly
* <big>Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth by Matthew Kelly</big>
* Réussir sa carrière et sa vie par Eric Mortier
* <big>Réussir sa carrière et sa vie par Eric Mortier</big>
* Master Your Time In 10 Minutes a Day by Michal Stawicki
* <big>Master Your Time In 10 Minutes a Day by Michal Stawicki</big>
* Art de conciliar le travail et la vie personnelle par Guylaine Deschenes
* <big>Art de conciliar le travail et la vie personnelle par Guylaine Deschenes</big>
* Being Together, Working Apart by Barbara Schneider
* <big>Being Together, Working Apart by Barbara Schneider</big>
=== <small>Videos</small> ===
=== <big>Videos</big> ===
* [ How to turn off work thoughts during your free time]  
* [ <big>How to turn off work thoughts during your free time</big>]
* [ Want to be more creative? Go for a walk]  
* [ <big>Want to be more creative? Go for a walk</big>]
* [ How burnout makes us less creative]  
* [ <big>How burnout makes us less creative</big>]
* [ 3 rules for better work-life balance]  
* [ <big>3 rules for better work-life balance</big>]
* [ How to make work-life balance work]  
* [ <big>How to make work-life balance work</big>]
=== <small>Articles</small> ===
=== <big>Articles</big> ===
* [ How to work from home]
* [ <big>How to work from home</big>]
* [ Work/life balance - OHS]  
* [ <big>Work/life balance - OHS</big>]
* [ Telecommuting work/life survival]  
* [ <big>Telecommuting work/life survival</big>]
* [ Creating a healthy home office]  
* [ <big>Creating a healthy home office</big>]
=== <small>Websites</small> ===
=== <big>Websites</big> ===
* [ LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Achieve Work-Life Balance)]  
* [ <big>LinkedIn Learning – learn the practical skills you need to excel in your career (e.g. Achieve Work-Life Balance)</big>]
* [ Ted Talk Playlist – how to get into a work-from-home mindset]  
* [ <big>Ted Talk Playlist – how to get into a work-from-home mindset</big>]
* [ Why everyone needs a self-care day]
* [ <big>Why everyone needs a self-care day</big>]
=== <small>Government of Canada Resources</small> ===
=== <big>Government of Canada Resources</big> ===
* [ Navigating Through Changes and Conflicts in Projects]  
* [ <big>Navigating Through Changes and Conflicts in Projects</big>]
* [ Thrives Series: Team Toolkit: psychologically Healthy Workplaces]  
* [ <big>Thrives Series: Team Toolkit: psychologically Healthy Workplaces</big>]
* [ Mental Health Learning Series]  
* [ <big>Mental Health Learning Series</big>]
* [ Health and wellness for public servants] 
* <big>[ Health and wellness for public servants] </big>
* [ Mental health support: Get Help]
* [ <big>Mental health support: Get Help</big>]

Latest revision as of 12:25, 18 December 2024

Homepage | LLMC 2024 | FR

ENG UseThisOne.png

Sponsorship and Career Building


  • Betting on You by Laurie Ruettimann (English only)
  • What Color is your Parachute? By Richard Bolles (2020 ed)
  • The Sponsor Effect: How to be a Better Leader by Investing in Others by Sylvia Ann Hewlett (English only) (audiobook available)
  • The Start-Up of You by Ben Casnocha and Reid Hoffman (English audiobook available)
  • Power Moves by Lauren McGoodwin (English only) (audiobook available)



Government of Canada Programs

Government of Canada Websites

Inclusive Leadership


  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
  • Gestionnaires inspirants: Les 10 règles de communication des leaders par Isabelle Lord
  • The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John C. Maxwell
  • Mastering Leadership by Robert J. Anderson et al.
  • Le leader sans titre par Robin Sharma



Government of Canada Resources

Mastering the Art of Negotiation


  • The Art of Persuasion: Winning Without Intimidation by Bob Burg
  • Negotiating at Work: Turn Small Wins into Big Gains by Deborah M. Kolb & Jessica L. Porter
  • Psychologie de la négociation par Jean Poitras
  • Women Don’t Ask – Negotiation and the Gender Divide by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
  • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Robert Fisher and William Ury



Government of Canada Programs

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: A Non-Performative Approach


  • The Skin We’re In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power by Desmond Cole
  • Les diversités en milieux de travail: Discrimination, égalité des chances et inclusion par Michel Racine et Yves Hallée
  • Building a House for Diversity: A Fable about a Giraffe & an Elephant Offers New Strategies for Today’s Workforce by Roosevelt Thomas and Marjorie Woodruff
  • How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram Kendi
  • Viola Desmond’s Canada: A History of Blacks and Racial Segregation in the Promised Land by Graham Reynolds et al.



Government of Canada Resources


Navigating Your Career Through Change | Self-Compassion & Neuroplasticity


  • Off Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth by Matthew Kelly
  • Réussir sa carrière et sa vie par Eric Mortier
  • Master Your Time In 10 Minutes a Day by Michal Stawicki
  • Art de conciliar le travail et la vie personnelle par Guylaine Deschenes
  • Being Together, Working Apart by Barbara Schneider




Government of Canada Resources