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|13:00 to 14:00 ET
|13:00 to 14:00 ET
|[[#15 Crucial Career Moments|15 Crucial Career Moments]]
|[[#15 Crucial Career Moments|15 Crucial Career Moments]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2023|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#15 moments cruciaux dans une carri.C3.A8re|French]])
|January 16, 2024
|January 16, 2024
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|[[#Navigating the Path to Becoming Indeterminate|Navigating the Path to Becoming Indeterminate]]
|[[#Navigating the Path to Becoming Indeterminate|Navigating the Path to Becoming Indeterminate]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#Vers une nomination pour une p.C3.A9riode ind.C3.A9termin.C3.A9e|French]])
|January 16, 2024
|January 16, 2024
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| 13:00 to 14:00 ET
| 13:00 to 14:00 ET
|[[#From Rejection to Resilience: Mastering the Art of Turning Setbacks into Success|From Rejection to Resilience: Mastering the Art of Turning Setbacks into Success]]
|[[#From Rejection to Resilience: Mastering the Art of Turning Setbacks into Success|From Rejection to Resilience: Mastering the Art of Turning Setbacks into Success]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2023|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#Du rejet .C3.A0 la r.C3.A9silience : Ma.C3.AEtriser l.27art de tirer b.C3.A9n.C3.A9fice des obstacles|French]])
|January 18, 2024
|January 18, 2024
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|[[#Social Media Mastery: Land Your Dream Job with Online Etiquette and Ethics|Social Media Mastery: Land Your Dream Job with Online Etiquette and Ethics]]
|[[#Social Media Mastery: Land Your Dream Job with Online Etiquette and Ethics|Social Media Mastery: Land Your Dream Job with Online Etiquette and Ethics]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#La ma.C3.AEtrise des r.C3.A9seaux sociaux : Obtenez l.27emploi de vos r.C3.AAves gr.C3.A2ce .C3.A0 l.27.C3.A9tiquette et .C3.A0 l.27.C3.A9thique en ligne|French]])
|January 18, 2024
|January 18, 2024
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|13:00 to 14:00 ET
|13:00 to 14:00 ET
|[[#Communicate for Success: Mastering Skills for Credibility and Career Growth|Communicate for Success: Mastering Skills for Credibility and Career Growth]]
|[[#Communicate for Success: Mastering Skills for Credibility and Career Growth|Communicate for Success: Mastering Skills for Credibility and Career Growth]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#Communiquer pour r.C3.A9ussir : Ma.C3.AEtriser les comp.C3.A9tences pour gagner en cr.C3.A9dibilit.C3.A9 et progresser dans sa carri.C3.A8re|French]])
|January 23, 2024
|January 23, 2024
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|[[#The Key Digital Skills You Need to Succeed as a New Public Servant|The Key Digital Skills You Need to Succeed as a New Public Servant]]
|[[#The Key Digital Skills You Need to Succeed as a New Public Servant|The Key Digital Skills You Need to Succeed as a New Public Servant]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2023|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#Les comp.C3.A9tences num.C3.A9riques cl.C3.A9s dont vous avez besoin pour r.C3.A9ussir en tant que nouveau fonctionnaire|French]])
|January 23, 2024
|January 23, 2024
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|13:00 to 14:00 ET
|13:00 to 14:00 ET
|[[#Mastering Video Recruiting Platforms|Mastering Video Recruiting Platforms]]
|[[#Mastering Video Recruiting Platforms|Mastering Video Recruiting Platforms]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#Ma.C3.AEtriser les plateformes d.E2.80.99embauche par vid.C3.A9o|French]])
|January 25, 2024
|January 25, 2024
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|14:30 to 15:30 ET
|[[#Embracing the Freedom to Choose Between Specialization and Generalization|Embracing the Freedom to Choose Between Specialization and Generalization]]
|[[#Embracing the Freedom to Choose Between Specialization and Generalization|Embracing the Freedom to Choose Between Specialization and Generalization]]
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024|French]])
|English (an equivalent session is offered in [[Federal Youth Network/Career Boot Camp/Camp de carrières 2024#La libert.C3.A9 de choix entre sp.C3.A9cialisation et g.C3.A9n.C3.A9ralisation|French]])
|January 25, 2024
|January 25, 2024
