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Revision as of 09:54, 14 June 2023

Picture: Purple and blue accent shapes Text: Infinity In Sum - Infinité En Somme Picture: Rainbow circle with a white infinity inside in the centre Text: Your update from Infinity - The Network for Neurodivergent Public Servants / Votre mise à jour de l'Infinité - Le Réseau des fonctionnaires neurodivergents

Infinity news

Introducing Infinity in Sum  

Infinity is excited to announce the launch of Infinity in Sum, an e-bulletin outlining our network’s activities, relevant news, job opportunities, and resources for neurodivergent public servants. We will be accepting submissions for the newsletter.

If you would like to submit an item for publication for In Sum, please submit an item with a title and description of no more than 200 words to infinity-infinite@tbs-sct.gc.ca

New generic inbox for Infinity

If you have a general inquiry or want to get in contact with our leadership, we now have a general inbox for you to email.  

Please direct any future communications to infinity-infinite@tbs-sct.gc.ca  

Join a Working Group

The Working Groups, formerly known as Standing Committees, help our Vice Chairs with carrying out their portfolios by providing strategic advice and support.  

We are pleased to announce rolling sign-ups for the Working Groups are now open and available at this link. Please take some time to read through the committee descriptions and see which ones may appeal to you. We welcome as much or as little work as you feel willing to provide!

We have five working groups, which include:


  • Vice Chair: Pierre-Luc Houde (pierre-luc.houde@irb-cisr.gc.ca)  
  • Responsibilities: Oversees Infinity's advocacy for the interests of neurodivergent public servants to senior management, interdepartmental working groups (e.g., human resources, diversity and inclusion, accessibility), and other opportunities for consultation.


  • Vice Chair: Basil Southey (basil.southey@statcan.gc.ca)  
  • Responsibilities: Oversees Infinity's communications products, presence on communications platforms such as GCxchange and GCcollab, and social media presence.

Events and Community Engagement

  • Vice Chair:  Emma Ewart (emma.ewart@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca)
  • Responsibilities: Oversees Infinity's virtual and in-person social events and other community engagement activities.

Outreach and Partnerships

  • Responsibilities: Oversees Infinity's recruitment efforts for new members within the federal public service, and its relationships with organizations outside of the Government of Canada  

Professional Development

  • Vice Chair:  Maryrose Rodger (maryrose.rodger@cra-arc.gc.ca)
  • Responsibilities: Oversees the creation of professional development-related resources, activities, and other initiatives to help neurodivergent employees get hired, stay in, and advance in the federal public service.

Join Infinity on Discord

We are thrilled to announce that we have set up a Discord server for Infinity!

This Discord server aims to be a safe, welcoming space for neurodivergent public servants and their allies to connect and engage. We will sue this as an informal space to communicate outside of work and are planning to host game nights, socials, and more.   Information on joining can be found on GCcollab or GCxchange.

If you are unfamiliar with Discord, consult the . https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045138571-Beginner-s-Guide-to-Discord

Coming soon: Virtual discussion circles (VDCs)

Eager to connect with others who share experiences like your own in a closer setting?  Looking for a safe, welcoming space to share ideas, stories, and tips for succeeding in the workplace as a neurodivergent person with your peers?  

Infinity will soon be launching Virtual Discussion Circles (VDCs) taking place over Discord during the lunch hour (12 PM to 1 PM EDT) to offer network members the opportunity to engage openly and freely with each other.  These VDCs will meet every two weeks, with meetings for each VDC group staggered to ensure there are discussion circles active every week for members to join.

These Virtual Discussion Circles will be organized into separate meeting groups based on different attributes, such as condition, career attributes, or other aspects of personal identity.

Currently, Infinity is looking to organize the following groups:  

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)  
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Giftedness
  • Mental health conditions (OCD, BPD, PTSD)  
  • New professionals and students
  • Neurodivergent parents and parents of neurodivergent people  

Infinity is looking for volunteer Facilitators willing and able to facilitate an hour-long discussion for a group once every two weeks.   A facilitator’s role is to ensure that all members can meaningfully participate in the discussion, and foster a inclusive and constructive dialogue between all participants.

If you are interested in becoming a Facilitator or would like to suggest the creation of a new VDC group, please email infinity-infinite@tbs-sct.gc.ca

National Indigenous Employees with Acquired/Intermittent DisAbilities Network (NIEwaiDN)

The Indigenous Accessibility Directorate at Canadian Heritage has created the National Indigenous Employees with Acquired / Intermittent DisAbilities Network, serving Indigenous federal employees with an acquired or intermittent disability. The Network seeks to use community-based cultural approaches to foster inclusion and provide support to Indigenous persons with disabilities in the workplace.

If you are interested in joining, please email either Max Freeman (max.freeman@pch.ca) or Gail McDonald (gail.mcdonald@pch.gc.ca).

Government-wide celebrations

Happy National Public Service Week!

The 2023 National Public Service Week (NPSW) will be celebrated the week of June 11 to 17, based on the theme “Into the future, stronger together!”. NPSW was designed to promote pride in and recognition of the public service of Canada by providing internal recognition, and by raising Canadians’ awareness of the excellence of the public service.

Celebrating Pride Season

Pride Season refers to the wide range of Pride events that take place over the summer (June to September) when 2SLGBTQI+ communities and allies come together to spotlight the resilience, celebrate the talent, and recognize the contributions of 2SLGBTQI+ communities.  More information on the Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) website.

Pride Season toolkit : Use the WAGE digital toolkit to promote Pride Season all summer long. You will find social media images, a virtual background, and much more.

Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity to learn about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. It's a time to honour the stories, achievements and resilience of Indigenous Peoples, who have lived on this land since time immemorial and whose presence continues to impact the evolving Canada. To find out more about the weekly themes and how to get involved, click here.

Brain Injury Awareness Month

In Canada, June is Brain Injury Awareness Month. Each year national, provincial, and local associations run campaigns to increase awareness about the prevalence of brain injury, the obstacles that exist for those with brain injury, and the need for more services and support at all stages of recovery.

Within our community of neurodivergent public servants, we celebrate and embrace public servants who consider themselves to be neurodivergent because of a brain injury.  

The prevalence of brain injury is well-established. But awareness of brain injury in the general public remains low. Lack of awareness of brain injury contributes to both personal and systemic barriers that make daily living and community interactions challenging for the over 1.5 million Canadians with brain injury, their caregivers, and their families.  

This month, Brain Injury Canada is publishing a position paper on moderate to severe traumatic brain injury, its prevalence, and how classifying it as a chronic condition will help address the lack of recognition and understanding of TBI as a chronic health condition and ensure health systems have the data to allocate appropriate supports and resources over the life span.  

If you would like to submit an item for publication for In Sum, please submit an item with a title and description of no more than 200 words to infinity-infinite@tbs-sct.gc.ca  

You are receiving this email as you are subscribed to the Infinity network on GCcollab, GCxchange, or have been added directly to our distribution list.  

If you no longer wish to receive emails from Infinity – The Network for Neurodivergent Public Servants, please send an email to infinity-infinite@tbs-sct.gc.ca with the subject line “Unsubscribe”.