Uploads by Maya.belanger1

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:28, 3 September 2024 Dictée du commissaire Commissioners dictation 2024 corrigé corrected text.pdf (file) 513 KB   1
16:58, 14 August 2024 JLO-OLD-ARRIERE-PLAN.jpg (file) 223 KB   1
16:25, 14 August 2024 Jlo oldteamarrereplan.jpg (file) 223 KB   1
14:22, 4 July 2024 JLO-2024 OLD full - signature.jpg (file) 137 KB   1
14:20, 4 July 2024 JLO-2024 OLD full - Media.jpg (file) 162 KB   1
13:41, 4 July 2024 JLO2024OLD - signature.jpg (file) 63 KB   1
13:38, 4 July 2024 OLD-JLO 2024 - signature.jpg (file) 139 KB   1
13:37, 4 July 2024 OLD-JLO 2024 -Media.jpg (file) 163 KB   1
13:36, 4 July 2024 JLO2024OLD - media.jpg (file) 68 KB   1
13:19, 4 July 2024 OLD-JLO 2024.jpg (file) 551 KB   1
16:25, 28 June 2024 OLD no date.png (file) 23 KB   1
16:24, 28 June 2024 JLO-sans date.png (file) 29 KB   1
16:23, 28 June 2024 JLO OLD SANSDATE.png (file) 52 KB   1
16:22, 28 June 2024 JLO OLD.png (file) 77 KB   1
16:21, 28 June 2024 JLO@)@$OLD.jpg (file) 99 KB   1
16:19, 28 June 2024 OLD JLO no date.png (file) 53 KB   1
16:18, 28 June 2024 OLD-JLO.png (file) 73 KB   1
16:16, 28 June 2024 OLLO.png (file) 5 KB   1
12:30, 28 June 2024 CourrielSignature FE EmailSignature.jpg (file) 143 KB   1
12:29, 28 June 2024 EmailSignature EF SignatureCourriel.jpg (file) 141 KB   1
12:01, 28 June 2024 Team-FE.jpg (file) 132 KB   1
12:00, 28 June 2024 TEAM-EF.jpg (file) 139 KB   1
14:43, 27 June 2024 Moulin-2.jpg (file) 16 KB   1
14:41, 27 June 2024 Moulin 1-.jpg (file) 16 KB   1
14:33, 27 June 2024 SocialMedia-EF.jpg (file) 120 KB   1
14:32, 27 June 2024 MSociaux-F-E.jpg (file) 124 KB   1
14:27, 27 June 2024 Moulin2-socialmedia.jpg (file) 21 KB   1
14:26, 27 June 2024 Moulin 1social media.jpg (file) 21 KB   1
13:47, 27 June 2024 Moulin2.jpg (file) 20 KB   1
13:47, 27 June 2024 Moulin 1.jpg (file) 20 KB   1
13:33, 27 June 2024 OLDay-JournéeLO.jpg (file) 149 KB   1
13:29, 27 June 2024 JournéeLO-OL Day.jpg (file) 105 KB   1
13:26, 27 June 2024 Official Languages Day.jpg (file) 48 KB   1
13:22, 27 June 2024 Journée des langues officielles.jpg (file) 58 KB   1
13:17, 27 June 2024 Official Languages Day-2024-Journée des langues Officielles.jpg (file) 534 KB   1
13:06, 27 June 2024 Bannière complètes Francais-anglais.jpg (file) 531 KB   1
12:01, 20 June 2024 CRCLO Rapport annuel 2023-24.pdf (file) 468 KB   1
12:00, 20 June 2024 CNOL Annual Report 2023-2024.pdf (file) 463 KB   1
17:40, 14 September 2023 Dictée du commissaire FR.png (file) 428 KB   1
17:34, 14 September 2023 Commissionner's Dictation ENG.PNG (file) 436 KB green background 1
10:30, 14 September 2023 Corrected Text 2023.pdf (file) 9 KB   1
10:26, 14 September 2023 Corrigé 2023.pdf (file) 9 KB   1
10:19, 14 September 2023 Corrigé.jpg (file) 4 KB   1
19:40, 13 September 2023 Corrigé - Corrected text.pdf (file) 9 KB   1
19:32, 13 September 2023 DictationOCOL CLODictee.jpg (file) 6 KB   1
10:37, 2 August 2023 JLO2023 Web-banner FR-EN 2552x784.png (file) 89 KB   1
10:30, 2 August 2023 JLO2023 Web-banner FR-EN 1904x806.png (file) 82 KB   1
13:13, 1 August 2023 JLO2023 Web-banner EN-FR 1904x806.png (file) 83 KB   1
08:39, 14 July 2023 JLO2023 Web-banner EN-FR 2552x784.png (file) 90 KB   1