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<big>'''[[Le bureau de diversité et inclusion|Page principal]] | [[Diriger en élevant les autres: Programme des cercles de mentorat 2024|Diriger en élevant les autres 2024]] | [[Diriger en élevant les autres : Programme des cercles de mentorat - Histoire de réussite|Histoire de réussite]] | [[Colleen Jackson - LLMC|EN]]'''</big>
<big>'''[[Le bureau de diversité et inclusion|Page principal]] | [[Diriger en élevant les autres: Programme des cercles de mentorat 2024|Diriger en élevant les autres 2024]] | [[Diriger en élevant les autres : Programme des cercles de mentorat - Histoire de réussite|Histoire de réussite]] | [[Colleen Jackson - LLMC|EN]]'''</big>
[[File:Photo-Bianti - Bianti Curry.jpg|alt=|left|frameless|290x290px]]
[[File:Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 9.34.06 AM.png|alt=|left|frameless|418x418px]]  
== '''Colleen's Layers''' ==
<big>As a Boy Mom, I bring love and guidance to my family, My role as a sister and being part of a boy-girl twin pair adds unique dynamics to my sibling relationship, fostering a deep connection and understanding. My identity as a Lesbian is a fundamental aspect of who I am and represents my authentic self and contributes to the diversity of human experience. As a member of the ‘zipper club’ I has added to my resilience and courage to overcome health challenges, embodies strength and perseverance in the face of adversity. Embracing and celebrating these aspects of myself empowers me to live authentically and boldly while also inspiring others to embrace their own unique identities.</big>
=='''What motivated you to join the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program?'''==
== '''Identités de Bianti''' ==
<big>I joined the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program to support my Unit’s Culture Change initiatives and broaden my network within a supportive community. The valuable mentorship, connections, and collaborative learning environment were particularly appealing to me.</big>
<big>Lorsque les gens me voient, ils ne savent pas dans quelle case me ranger. Si on me permettait de cocher certaines des cases qui font partie de la façon dont je me perçois, je cocherais les cases suivantes :</big>
* <big>Chrétienne qui veut connaître Jésus un peu plus chaque jour. J'aime étudier la Bible, surtout avec des amis qui apprennent l'hébreu et le grec.</big>
== '''How do you envision your participation contributing to your professional growth?''' ==
<big>Participating in LLMC has been transformative for my professional growth. Engaging in challenging conversations and actively listening to diverse perspectives has expanded my understanding and empathy. I aim to continue cultivating a diverse network, enhancing leadership skills, promoting inclusivity, and achieving personal growth.</big>
* <big>La catégorie "mixte" est celle que je préfère cocher, car je suis noire, autochtone et blanche, ainsi que de nombreuses autres identités.</big>
== '''Describe the impact you aim to make within your role through this program.''' ==
<big>In my role within LLMC I aim to lead by example, fostering authenticity and tolerance. I seek to cultivate a diverse network, enhance leadership skills, promote inclusivity, and achieve personal growth, positively impacting my workplace, community, and society.</big>
* <big>Artiste qui chante l'opéra, le gospel et le jazz. Je suis danseur, poète et artiste visuel pour le plaisir.</big>
=='''What has most inspired you in this journey of your professional development?'''==
<big>The courage displayed by participants in the LLMC program, especially when sharing their vulnerabilities and real-life challenges, has deeply inspired me. Witnessing individuals bravely open up about their experiences within their work environments and in life as a whole has underscored the importance of creating spaces where authenticity is celebrated and embraced.</big>
* <big>La double citoyenneté correspond à mon héritage mixte, puisque je suis une Américaine née et élevée dans le Wisconsin qui a choisi d'immigrer et qui est aujourd'hui fière d'être Canadienne.</big>
<big>As a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, I resonate with the courage it takes to navigate personal and professional spaces authentically. Despite not conforming to stereotypical assumptions. I recognize the significance of representation and visibility within diverse communities. My own journey informs my commitment to fostering inclusivity and understanding, both within the program and beyond.</big>
<big>Il y a tant d'autres couches qui font de nous ce que nous sommes, et ce ne sont là que quelques-unes de celles qui sont importantes pour moi.</big>
<big>The willingness of participants to share their truths encourages me to continue advocating for inclusivity and acceptance, not only for myself but for all individuals who may feel marginalized or unseen. By embracing diversity and amplifying underrepresented voices, we can create environments where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to be their true selves.</big>
=='''Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à rejoindre Diriger en élevant les autres ?'''==
== '''How do you believe mentorship and sponsorship can enhance your leadership skills in the public service?''' ==
<big>En tant que fonctionnaire relativement nouveau, j'ai rejoint DEAPCM pour avoir l'occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur le travail effectué dans les différents ministères. En participant à DEAPCM, j'ai maintenant accès à un vaste réseau de personnes à travers le Canada et je suis plus consciente des micro-affectations et des missions où je peux mettre en pratique mes compétences en développement.</big>
<big>I believe both mentorship and sponsorship are essential for enhancing leadership skills in the public service. Mentorship involves supporting others in areas of expertise, fostering professional development and growth. Sponsorship entails advocating for individuals, providing opportunities for advancement, and learning from diverse talents and perspectives. Together they create a dynamic exchange of knowledge and support, benefiting both mentors and mentees while fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity in leadership.</big>
=='''Qu'est-ce qui vous a le plus inspiré dans votre parcours de développement professionnel ?'''==
== '''<big>What unique strengths or perspectives do you bring to your circles that can benefit others?</big>''' ==
<big>La maîtrise de la langue seconde est un domaine de développement professionnel qui, parfois, m'a semblé être un énorme obstacle à surmonter en tant que personne ayant immigré au Canada et n'ayant pas grandi en parlant le français. En participant à des initiatives avec des membres du cercle désireux d'améliorer leur langue seconde, j'ai déjà constaté une amélioration notable de ma volonté de faire des erreurs et de pratiquer ma langue seconde avec beaucoup plus d'aisance qu'auparavant. Je suis tellement reconnaissante pour les discussions vulnérables qui ont été partagées lors des réunions des heures de bureau du DEAPCM et pour le réseau plus large de personnes qui se soutiennent vraiment les unes les autres en tant que leaders et qui exercent les différents dons et talents qui nous ont été donnés afin de nous développer les uns les autres. Quel précieux cadeau !</big>
<big>In my circles, I offer a diverse array of strengths and perspectives that can greatly benefit others. Drawing from my 26-year career as a travel consultant, I bring insights into navigating cultures, geographical differences, and varying realities. This extensive experience has honed not only my adaptability but also my willingness to learn and unlearn preconceived notions. It has taught me to embrace new perspectives and challenge assumptions, fostering growth and understanding in diverse environments. Additionally, having lived abroad for 4 years, I have firsthand experience immersing myself in different cultures and communities, gaining valuable insights into global perspectives and intercultural communication. My combined experiences from both my career and international living have equipped me with a deep understanding navigating diverse landscapes, fostering meaningful connections across boundaries, and continuously evolving in an ever-changing world.</big>
=='''Quels sont les points forts ou les perspectives uniques que vous apportez à vos cercles et qui peuvent bénéficier aux autres ?'''==
== '''Is there a particular aspect of leadership or career development that you are eager to explore further in this program?''' ==
<big>Je suis une animatrice qui a vraiment à cœur d'écouter toutes les personnes présentes dans la salle. Je suis à l'aise avec le silence et le temps de réflexion, de sorte que, quelle que soit la méthode de partage, toutes les voix aient l'occasion d'être entendues. Ma perspective d'artiste est une force car elle me motive à essayer de nouvelles approches et à être ouverte aux suggestions des autres, afin de créer quelque chose de beau et de fructueux ensemble.</big>
<big>I am particularly eager to explore leadership and career development in the areas of collaboration and breaking down silos within the organization. I am keen to understand how fostering collaboration and leveraging the collective knowledge of the entire organization can enhance both individual and collective success. By breaking down silos and encouraging cross -functional collaboration, I believe we can unlock new opportunities for innovation, problem-solving, and organizational growth. I am excited to explore strategies and best practices for fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing that empowers individuals and drives organizational success.</big>
=='''Comment pouvez-vous appliquer au lieu de travail ce que vous avez appris dans le cadre du programme ?'''==
== '''How would you define success for yourself at the end of this Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program?''' ==
<big>La normalité de la création d'un espace sûr et l'investissement dans le développement des personnes sont deux points forts du programme que j'ai déjà appliqués et que je continuerai à appliquer sur mon lieu de travail. En prenant le temps de collaborer avec des collègues, que ce soit virtuellement ou en personne, j'ai pu partager des formations et des ressources qui ont eu un impact sur moi. En laissant la place à une réflexion plus approfondie et en encourageant les discussions vulnérables, j'espère voir un effet d'entraînement. Je veux promouvoir un environnement où la peur disparaît dans les interactions quotidiennes afin que nous puissions être sincères, apprendre et grandir ensemble. L'importance de s'exprimer et de poser des questions lorsque les choses ne semblent pas aller dans le bon sens est l'un des domaines dans lesquels j'espère continuer à progresser. Je sais qu'il est plus facile de rester silencieux, mais le résultat du silence est la stagnation. Je veux être là où l'eau coule et est pleine de vie. C'est dans cet espace actif que le changement se produit et qu'il a, je l'espère, un impact positif sur les générations futures.</big>
<big>I would define success at the end of the LLMC program as having built a strong network of individuals committed to culture change. Success would also mean being able to recognize when cultural biases are triggered within myself and having the ability to draw from the myriad of experiences and perspectives shared by others in the program. This would enable me to gain deeper insight into the realities of various situations and ultimately contribute more effectively to fostering an inclusive an equitable environment within my organization.</big>
== '''How can you apply what you learned from the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program to the workplace?''' ==
<big>am already noticing a difference from what I learned in the LLMC program in both my personal and professional life. More individuals come to me to share their thoughts and there is a noticeable increase in their willingness to both share their knowledge and eagerness to learn where they can. These increased openness and collaborative spirit not only enrich our interactions but also fosters a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture. Importantly, I recognize that this is a continuing journey of learning and ai am committed to further growth and development in fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.</big>
== '''Has your view of leadership - and who can be a leader - changed?''' ==
<big>The significant change in my perspective comes from recognizing the importance of constant little things that make a big difference, which everyone can contribute to. By embodying this mindset, I can inspire others to embrace their leadership potential and actively participate in creating positive change within the organization, fostering a culture of empowerment and collaboration.</big>
== '''Do you view your public service career differently after participating in the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program?''' ==
<big>Yes, discovering this program and connecting with an amazing network of passionate change-makers has been truly inspiring. I now feel empowered and capable to contributing to real change to make a real difference in the Canadian Public Service. Specifically, I am motivated to work towards better representing the diversity of the Canadian people by increasing representation and lifting those who have not traditionally had a seat at the table. This program has ignited a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to driving positive change within the public service, and I am excited to contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable future for all Canadians.</big>
== '''What is the one message you would like to leave us with today?''' ==
<big>Listen more and talk less, seek out as many different voices as possible and never stop learning.</big>
=='''Quel est le message que vous aimeriez nous transmettre aujourd'hui ?'''==
<big>Les joyaux de sagesse et de perspicacité partagés à DEAPCM sont si précieux que même un jour de maladie, j'ai voulu assister aux réunions. C'est à ce moment-là que l'on sait que quelque chose a de la valeur et que la peur de manquer est réelle ! Donc, si vous envisagez de rejoindre la prochaine cohorte, vous êtes prévenus. Assurez-vous de faire des réserves de vitamine C et de rester en bonne santé, car croyez-moi, vous ne voudriez pas manquer quelque chose.</big>
== '''Cohorte 4 - Candidature''' ==
== '''Cohorte 4 - Candidature''' ==

Revision as of 09:36, 24 May 2024

Page principal | Diriger en élevant les autres 2024 | Histoire de réussite | EN

Colleen's Layers

As a Boy Mom, I bring love and guidance to my family, My role as a sister and being part of a boy-girl twin pair adds unique dynamics to my sibling relationship, fostering a deep connection and understanding. My identity as a Lesbian is a fundamental aspect of who I am and represents my authentic self and contributes to the diversity of human experience. As a member of the ‘zipper club’ I has added to my resilience and courage to overcome health challenges, embodies strength and perseverance in the face of adversity. Embracing and celebrating these aspects of myself empowers me to live authentically and boldly while also inspiring others to embrace their own unique identities.

What motivated you to join the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program?

I joined the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program to support my Unit’s Culture Change initiatives and broaden my network within a supportive community. The valuable mentorship, connections, and collaborative learning environment were particularly appealing to me.

How do you envision your participation contributing to your professional growth?

Participating in LLMC has been transformative for my professional growth. Engaging in challenging conversations and actively listening to diverse perspectives has expanded my understanding and empathy. I aim to continue cultivating a diverse network, enhancing leadership skills, promoting inclusivity, and achieving personal growth.

Describe the impact you aim to make within your role through this program.

In my role within LLMC I aim to lead by example, fostering authenticity and tolerance. I seek to cultivate a diverse network, enhance leadership skills, promote inclusivity, and achieve personal growth, positively impacting my workplace, community, and society.

What has most inspired you in this journey of your professional development?

The courage displayed by participants in the LLMC program, especially when sharing their vulnerabilities and real-life challenges, has deeply inspired me. Witnessing individuals bravely open up about their experiences within their work environments and in life as a whole has underscored the importance of creating spaces where authenticity is celebrated and embraced.

As a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, I resonate with the courage it takes to navigate personal and professional spaces authentically. Despite not conforming to stereotypical assumptions. I recognize the significance of representation and visibility within diverse communities. My own journey informs my commitment to fostering inclusivity and understanding, both within the program and beyond.

The willingness of participants to share their truths encourages me to continue advocating for inclusivity and acceptance, not only for myself but for all individuals who may feel marginalized or unseen. By embracing diversity and amplifying underrepresented voices, we can create environments where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to be their true selves.

How do you believe mentorship and sponsorship can enhance your leadership skills in the public service?

I believe both mentorship and sponsorship are essential for enhancing leadership skills in the public service. Mentorship involves supporting others in areas of expertise, fostering professional development and growth. Sponsorship entails advocating for individuals, providing opportunities for advancement, and learning from diverse talents and perspectives. Together they create a dynamic exchange of knowledge and support, benefiting both mentors and mentees while fostering a culture of excellence and inclusivity in leadership.

What unique strengths or perspectives do you bring to your circles that can benefit others?

In my circles, I offer a diverse array of strengths and perspectives that can greatly benefit others. Drawing from my 26-year career as a travel consultant, I bring insights into navigating cultures, geographical differences, and varying realities. This extensive experience has honed not only my adaptability but also my willingness to learn and unlearn preconceived notions. It has taught me to embrace new perspectives and challenge assumptions, fostering growth and understanding in diverse environments. Additionally, having lived abroad for 4 years, I have firsthand experience immersing myself in different cultures and communities, gaining valuable insights into global perspectives and intercultural communication. My combined experiences from both my career and international living have equipped me with a deep understanding navigating diverse landscapes, fostering meaningful connections across boundaries, and continuously evolving in an ever-changing world.

Is there a particular aspect of leadership or career development that you are eager to explore further in this program?

I am particularly eager to explore leadership and career development in the areas of collaboration and breaking down silos within the organization. I am keen to understand how fostering collaboration and leveraging the collective knowledge of the entire organization can enhance both individual and collective success. By breaking down silos and encouraging cross -functional collaboration, I believe we can unlock new opportunities for innovation, problem-solving, and organizational growth. I am excited to explore strategies and best practices for fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing that empowers individuals and drives organizational success.

How would you define success for yourself at the end of this Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program?

I would define success at the end of the LLMC program as having built a strong network of individuals committed to culture change. Success would also mean being able to recognize when cultural biases are triggered within myself and having the ability to draw from the myriad of experiences and perspectives shared by others in the program. This would enable me to gain deeper insight into the realities of various situations and ultimately contribute more effectively to fostering an inclusive an equitable environment within my organization.

How can you apply what you learned from the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program to the workplace?

am already noticing a difference from what I learned in the LLMC program in both my personal and professional life. More individuals come to me to share their thoughts and there is a noticeable increase in their willingness to both share their knowledge and eagerness to learn where they can. These increased openness and collaborative spirit not only enrich our interactions but also fosters a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture. Importantly, I recognize that this is a continuing journey of learning and ai am committed to further growth and development in fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity.

Has your view of leadership - and who can be a leader - changed?

The significant change in my perspective comes from recognizing the importance of constant little things that make a big difference, which everyone can contribute to. By embodying this mindset, I can inspire others to embrace their leadership potential and actively participate in creating positive change within the organization, fostering a culture of empowerment and collaboration.

Do you view your public service career differently after participating in the Lifting as you Lead Mentoring Circles program?

Yes, discovering this program and connecting with an amazing network of passionate change-makers has been truly inspiring. I now feel empowered and capable to contributing to real change to make a real difference in the Canadian Public Service. Specifically, I am motivated to work towards better representing the diversity of the Canadian people by increasing representation and lifting those who have not traditionally had a seat at the table. This program has ignited a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to driving positive change within the public service, and I am excited to contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable future for all Canadians.

What is the one message you would like to leave us with today?

Listen more and talk less, seek out as many different voices as possible and never stop learning.

Cohorte 4 - Candidature

Souhaitez-vous rejoindre un réseau croissant d'apprenants enthousiastes, de leaders visionnaires et d'auditeurs engagés ? Êtes-vous à la recherche d'une expérience qui vous permettra d'acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour prendre des mesures significatives en faveur de la diversité, de l'équité et de l'inclusion ?

Cliquez ici pour posez votre candidature à rejoindre DEAPCM en 2024 !

La date limite d'inscription est dimanche le 30 juin 2024