National Open House 2024

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Welcome to the Labour Program National Virtual Open House 2024! This event brings together the entire Labour Program to connect, share, and discuss key insights on work-related topics. Throughout these sessions, we’ll dive into critical themes like health, safety, and labour standards, spanning our diverse regions—Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Central, and North West Pacific.

Join us as we learn from each other, exchange ideas, and celebrate our collective commitment to enhancing workplaces across the country. Let’s make this a time of inspiration, collaboration, and progress!

Event Program

Dates: October 22nd – 24th, 2024

We have three dynamic afternoons of learning and collaboration at the Labour Program National Virtual Open House 2024! This event features a diverse lineup of expert speakers and panel discussions covering critical topics within the Labour Program. From the latest in health and safety regulations to emerging trends in labour standards and innovative practices, each session is designed to inform, inspire, and equip you with valuable insights.

Whether you’re looking to deepen your knowledge, connect with colleagues, or explore new perspectives, this event offers something for everyone. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with thought leaders and gain practical takeaways to enhance your workplace with the Labour Program.

Missed a session? No worries! Presentations and recordings will be available for download after each session, so you can catch up at your convenience.

How to Join the Sessions

To participate in a session on any day, simply click on the topic title in the schedule below. You will be redirected to the MS Teams room where the event is taking place. Please ensure you have MS Teams installed and set up on your device before the event begins. You can download it here.

On the Day of the Event:

  • Time Zone Awareness: All session times are listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Please adjust the schedule according to your local time zone to ensure you don't miss any sessions.
  • Technical Requirements:
    • MS Teams Installation: Verify that MS Teams is installed and functioning properly on your device.
    • Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection to prevent any disruptions during the sessions.
    • Audio/Video Setup: Check your microphone and camera settings if you plan to participate actively.
  • Before the Session:
    • Test Run: We recommend joining a test meeting to familiarize yourself with MS Teams features.
    • Early Login: Log in a few minutes before the session starts to troubleshoot any last-minute issues.
  • During the Session:
    • Mute Your Microphone: Keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking to minimize background noise.
    • Engagement: Depending on the presenter, use the chat function or the Q&A function to ask questions or share comments without interrupting the speaker.
    • Recording Notice: Be aware that sessions may be recorded for those who cannot attend live.

After the Event:

  • Accessing Materials: Presentations and session recordings will be available for download below each session description in the schedule.
  • Feedback: We value your input! Please take a moment to fill out the feedback form that will be emailed to you after the event.

Jour 1 - Mardi 22 octobre 2024

Heure de début (EDT) Heure de fin (EDT) Sujet Présentateur(s) Détails PDF de la présentation Enregistrement de la présentation
12:30 2:30 Reconnaissance des terres Reconnaître les terres traditionnelles où se déroule l'événement et reconnaître l'importance de cette pratique pour favoriser le respect et la réconciliation.
Remarques d'ouverture du ministre L'Honorable Steven MacKinnon Accueil et remarques d'ouverture pour préparer le terrain de cet événement.
Conférencier principal Guy Freedman Un discours principal axé sur la réconciliation pour les employeurs réglementés au niveau fédéral, offrant des idées et de l'inspiration aux participants.
Étiquette et aperçu de MS Teams Un tutoriel bref mais essentiel sur l'utilisation de MS Teams pour garantir que les participants peuvent naviguer efficacement sur la plateforme virtuelle tout au long de l'événement.
Santé et sécurité psychologique : législation, facteurs en milieu de travail et résolution des conflits Jan Chappel Présenté par le Centre canadien d'hygiène et de sécurité au travail : Construire des relations solides et de confiance est un aspect fondamental de la santé et de la sécurité psychologique qui soutient le succès de nombreux autres facteurs psychosociaux en milieu de travail. Les équipes qui se font confiance peuvent bénéficier d'un engagement des employés plus élevé et de meilleurs résultats de travail. Les compétences pour naviguer dans les conflits interpersonnels peuvent permettre à chacun de gérer le changement en milieu de travail avec plus de confiance. Les participants seront guidés à travers les points forts de la législation canadienne relative aux risques psychosociaux, ainsi que les méthodes pour soutenir la santé mentale au travail grâce à des conversations ouvertes et des mesures de résolution des conflits.
2:30 2:45 Pause
2:45 3:30 Code du travail du Canada, Partie II : Aperçu Erin Wilde Une session d'introduction couvrant les bases de la santé et de la sécurité au travail. Icône PDF Icône vidéo
2:45 3:30 Investigation des substances dangereuses et des risques d'exposition Adriana Dwyer Une session informative axée sur les obligations des employeurs en matière d'investigation des risques d'exposition, des dangers et des substances dangereuses en vertu du Règlement canadien sur la santé et la sécurité au travail. Icône PDF Icône vidéo
3:30 3:45 Pause
3:45 4:45 Règlement sur la prévention du harcèlement et de la violence en milieu de travail : interprétation, politique et directives Adriana Dwyer,

Nicole Smith

Un guide complet sur l'interprétation et l'application du Règlement sur la prévention du harcèlement et de la violence en milieu de travail, y compris le développement de politiques et les meilleures pratiques. Icône PDF Icône vidéo

Day 2 - Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Start Time (EDT) End Time (EDT) Topic Presenter(s) Details Presentation PDF Presentation Recording
12:55 2:00 Assistant Deputy Minister Remarks Brenda Baxter Opening remarks and a brief overview of the Labour Program. PDF Icon Video Icon
Canada Labour Code, Part IV: Administrative Monetary Penalties Ceayon Johnson,

John Hood

A detailed presentation on how Administrative Monetary Penalties are applied under the Canada Labour Code, including case examples and compliance strategies. PDF Icon Video Icon
2:00 2:15 Break
2:15 3:00 How to Prepare for an Occupational Health and Safety Inspection Emma Woolridge,

Erin Wilde

This session will offer guidance on preparing for an Occupational Health and Safety inspection by Labour Program Health and Safety Officers, detailing what employers can anticipate during the process. PDF Icon Video Icon
3:00 3:15 Break
3:15 3:45 Canada Labour Code, Part II: Employer’s Annual Reporting Requirements Megan Eccleston A comprehensive overview of employer obligations for annual reporting under Part II of the Canada Labour Code, highlighting common pitfalls and compliance tips. PDF Icon Video Icon
3:45 4:15 Ask Me Anything: Occupational Health and Safety Cathy Corbett,

Ashley Keith

An interactive Q&A session where participants can ask experts about Occupational Health and Safety regulations, compliance, and best practices. PDF Icon Video Icon

Day 3 - Thursday, October 24, 2024

Start Time (EDT) End Time (EDT) Topic Presenter(s) Details Presentation PDF Presentation Recording
1:00 1:45 Canada Labour Code, Part III: Worker Misclassification Bisera Olevska Overview of worker misclassification issues and how to identify and correct them within your organization. PDF Icon Video Icon
1:45 2:00 Break
2:00 2:45 Exploring Different Types of Leave Michael Dinh, Jhumpa Mohapatra Detailed discussion on various types of leave available under the Canada Labour Code, including eligibility, benefits, and employer responsibilities. PDF Icon Video Icon
Canada Labour Code, Part III: Layoffs, Termination Pay, Unjust Dismissal Sherry Walters, Jessica Moore, Siobhan Hutchison Understanding the rights and obligations of employers and employees during layoffs, including termination pay and unjust dismissal claims. PDF Icon Video Icon
2:45 3:00 Break
3:00 3:45 Canada Labour Code, Part III: Complaints, Deductions, Expenses, and Wage Recovery Michael McLean, Odeisa Stewart, Devin Schachtel Step-by-step guidance on handling complaints related to wage deductions, expense claims, and wage recovery under the Canada Labour Code. PDF Icon Video Icon
3:45 4:00 Deputy Minister Closing Remarks Sandra Hassan Final remarks summarizing the key takeaways from the day and thanking participants for their engagement. PDF Icon Video Icon

Additional resources

Labour Program Forward Regulatory Plan: 2023 to 2025

Link to the website

Labour Program Publications

Link to publications

Annual Occupational Health and Safety Publication

Link to website (2020)

Link to website (2021)

Link to website (2022)

Open Data Portal

Link to website