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<h2>Renseignements sur votre salaire et vos avantages sociaux (y compris les congés)</h2>
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<p>'''Ici, au SCDATA, la fonction de rémunération est gérée à l'interne''' (et non par le Centre des services de paye de la fonction publique comme c'est le cas dans plusieurs autres ministères). N'hésitez pas à communiquer avec nos [ conseillers en rémunération] pour toute question que vous pourriez avoir.</p>
<span class="bold">On this page:</span>
<p>'''Remarque:''' Les systèmes et les applications du gouvernement du Canada, tel que [ MaPayeGC], [ Phénix], et le [ Portail de la pension], sont sécurisés. <span style="color:#C00000">Ouvrez-les en utilisant Chrome ou Edge.</span> '''Pour vous connecter, votre [[Media:PRI myKEY-FR.docx|CIDP et maCLÉ]] sont requis.'''</p>
<li>[[Stephanie%27s_Wiki_Test_Page/New Employee Arrival#pre|Pre-arrival Checklist]]</li>
<li>[[Stephanie%27s_Wiki_Test_Page/New Employee Arrival#arrival|Arrival Checklist]]</li>
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==Pre-Arrival Checklist: Are you ready for your first day?==<!-- ROX Modified text to lead to subpages. Reason: To remove one of the sections below. Subpage links covered in menu. -->
<p>Our pre-arrival onboarding content contains general guidance that applies to most employees' working arrangements. </p><div class="card greybg">
===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>Discuss with your hiring manager===
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<p>Your hiring manager has likely already contacted you to communicate the preliminary job offer and arrange a start date. This person will be the primary resource assigned to support your pre-arrival onboarding activities.</p>
*<strong>Talk to your hiring manager about the details of your work arrangement</strong>, such as hours of work and work location. Find out if you will be working remotely, in-person or through a hybrid model.
*<strong>Stay in regular contact with your manager</strong> if there is a long period between the job offer and the start date.
*It may be too early to know <strong>if you need workplace accommodation</strong> but take the time to speak to your new manager about the workplace and any potential workplace accommodation.
*Workspace setups will vary on a case-by-case basis, but if you foresee the need for <strong>specific equipment to carry out your duties</strong>, please discuss it with your hiring manager as soon as possible.
*Before <strong>your first day</strong>, make sure you have clear instructions about what to do and have the required contact information for your arrival should it be virtual or in-person.
*For any <strong>other questions or concerns</strong> not covered on this site, do not hesitate to contact your hiring manager.
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===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>Monitor your e-mail for important documents and communications ===
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<p>At some point during your hiring process, you should have provided your manager with an e-mail address. Monitor this e-mail account regularly for important messages until you have access to your ATSSC e-mail account.</p>
<p>The following list includes some examples of communications and documents you should receive before your arrival. Depending on your work arrangement, some of these items may not apply to you. When in doubt, <strong>ask your hiring manager</strong>.</p>
*Letter of offer package from your manager
* Instructions for obtaining your IT equipment from your manager or a delegated IT technician
*Network access information
*Reference materials related to your role and organization:
**Phone list
**Organizational chart with titles
**Staff lists and/or other contact lists
**Voicemail and email instructions
** Job description
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===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>Getting your technology (IT) equipment and network access===
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<p>Whether you will be working remotely, in-person or through a hybrid model, your hiring manager will coordinate with you to ensure you receive the tools and equipment you need to carry out your work.</p>
<p>If you foresee the need for specific equipment, or any other circumstance that may affect your ability to carry out your regular duties, please discuss it with your hiring manager as soon as possible.</p>
<p>Once you obtain your IT equipment, follow the enclosed instructions to finish setting up your computer, and ensure you have a stable Internet connection if accessing the network remotely.</p>
==== Technical support ====
<p>If you are having trouble setting up your workstation or logging onto the network, you can call the IT service desk at 613-947-5444 between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm EST or you can send an e-mail to {{em|}}. <span style="color:#C00000">'''Employees of the Social Security Tribunal secretariat should contact the National Service Desk at 1-800-268-0408.'''</span></p></div>
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==Arrival Checklist: What to do in your first week...==
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===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>Meet Your Manager ===
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<p>Whether you are working remotely or physically in the office, your manager should arrange to meet with you on your first day. If you are scheduled for a virtual meeting, make sure to check your new ATSSC e-mail account for the invitation—the link to join via MS Teams will be embedded in the invitation. </p>
*If you are new to the federal public service, your manager will discuss the '''oath or solemn affirmation''' and ask for you to sign.
*Your manager should take time to discuss the ATSSC's organizational chart and the mandate of the tribunal you support, or if you work in Internal Services, the mandate of your work unit, as well as discuss overall priorities and objectives.
*Your manager should confirm that you have understood the [ Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector], and the [ ATSSC Code of Conduct: Values and Ethics, Standards of Conduct, and Conflict of Interest and Post Employment].
*Take the time to ask your manager any question you may have. We all are here to support you as you onboard and your manager will be happy to guide you in the right direction.
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===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>To-do list ===
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*'''<big>Know your PRI</big>'''
'''<big>Quand et comment puis-je être payé?</big>'''
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<p>If you are new to the federal public service, find out your personal record identifier (PRI) number. This is a number unique to you and will stay with you for the duration of your career with the Government of Canada (GoC). </p><p>Your PRI is needed to access most federal government systems. If you do not know your PRI, simply send an email to {{em|}} and an advisor will be happy to help.</p></div>
<p>'''Vous recevez votre paye le mercredi, toutes les deux semaines.''' Votre paye couvre le travail effectué jusqu’à la fin de la journée deux mercredis plus tôt. Vous êtes donc payé pour les 10 jours de travail, du jeudi au mercredi, ayant pris fin deux semaines auparavant.</p>
<p>Pour les nouveaux employés de la fonction publique, vous pouvez vous attendre à recevoir votre première paye trois semaines après votre date de début d’emploi.</p>
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<p>Pour les employés qui sont transférés au SCDATA d’un autre ministère du gouvernement fédéral, vous continuerez d’être payés par votre ancien ministère jusqu’à ce que votre dossier de paye ait été transféré à l’équipe de Rémunération et avantages sociaux du SCDATA.</p>  
*'''<big>Create your myKEY account</big>'''
<p>Le gouvernement fédéral transfère votre paye par voie électronique, par '''dépôt direct''', dans votre compte bancaire.</p>
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<p>Pour toute question sur le salaire et les avantages sociaux, veuillez envoyer un courriel à : {{em|}}</p>
<p>myKEY, (also known as PKI Key, PKI Certificate, Entrust Profile or ID-Based Certificate), is a secure electronic credential, required to access Government of Canada applications such as Secure Remote Access, Compensation Web Applications, (including Phoenix and MyGCPay), TBS Applications (including myEmployees, Public Service Performance Management (PSPM), GC-VATS, etc.) and for adding your electronic signature to a document. </p>
* <p>'''If you are new to the federal public service''' you can get a myKEY by following the instructions on [ '''Shared Services Canada's Online Registration and Credential Administration self-serve website'''] </p>
* <p>'''If you transferred from another department and do not have a copy of your myKEY file (.epf file extension) or you have lost your myKEY file''', you can get it back by completing the information on the [ '''Lost myKEY page''']. </p>
* [ Comment fonctionne la paye de la fonction publique]
* [ Calendrier 2022 de la paye de la fonction publique]
* [ Taux de rémunération des employés de la fonction publique]
* <p>'''If you are not successful at recovering your myKEY''', please contact the IT Service Desk at {{em|}}. <span style="color:#C00000">'''Employees of the Social Security Tribunal secretariat should contact the National Service Desk at 1-800-268-0408.'''</span></p></div>
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*'''<big>Create or update your GCCampus account</big>'''
'''<big>Dois-je accéder à MaPayeGC pour consulter mes relevés de paye?</big>'''
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<p>If you are new to the federal public service, create a [ '''GCCampus'''] account to have access to all learning activities offered at the [ Canada School of Public Service] (CSPS). If you already have a [ GCCampus] account, please update your profile and select the ATSSC as your new department.</p></div>
<p>Oui. L’application Web [ MaPayeGC] a été conçue pour afficher le relevé de paye d’une personne en plus des fonctions suivantes :
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*'''<big>Mandatory Training</big>'''
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<p>Consult the [ '''mandatory training'''] list to identify the courses you need to take and register for these courses by first logging in to your [ GCCampus] account . Your first week on the job is a good time to start the courses.</p></div>
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*'''<big>Discuss expectations</big>'''
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<p>Discuss your expectations with your manager and understand their expectations of you. Clear work objectives should be provided to you. This is also a good time for your manager to discuss a learning plan and the overall performance management process.</p></div>
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<p>Set up your profile in the the [ '''Public Service Performance Management application'''] (PSPM). (Note: Your [[Media:PRI myKEY.docx|PRI and myKEY]] are required). Consult the [ PSPM User Guide for Employees] for information on how to '''register''' to access PSPM. </p><p>'''If you have employees reporting to you''', access "[ myEmployees]" to add new employees and release former employees. Consult the [ PSPM User Guide for Executives and Managers/Supervisors] for more information.</p><p>Learn more about performance management by visiting our GCWiki page: [[Stephanie's Wiki Test Page/Employee Performance and Career Management|My Performance and My Career]]. </p></div>
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*'''<big>Complete the Employee Self-identification form</big>'''
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<p>We ask that all employees complete the [ '''Employee Self-identification form'''] which allows you to voluntarily identify, as applicable, to one or more of the four (4) employment equity designated groups (e.g., visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and women).</p></div>
* <p>Vous aider à mieux comprendre les renseignements concernant votre paye et vos avantages sociaux
* <p>Fournir la possibilité d’imprimer des documents importants, comme des feuillets d’impôt et une preuve d’emploi
* <p>Accéder aux renseignements historiques, aux chèques de paye, aux régimes d’avantages sociaux, aux demandes de renseignements remontant à 2016
* <p>[ Apprenez-en plus sur MaPayeGC] </p></div>
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===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>Get involved and stay connected===
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<p>There are a variety of ways to get involved and share your ideas at the ATSSC. Talk to your manager about existing working groups and committees, and consult the links below for additional opportunities. </p><div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4">
====Get Involved====
*[ ATSSC Beyond 2020]
*[ Communities of Practice]
*[ ATSSC Champions]
*[ Association of Professional Executives]</div>
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====Stay Connected====
*'''[ The ATSSC intranet]''' helps to keep employees connected and up to date with important information, messages and new events.
*'''[ GCconnex]''' is a professional social collaboration platform used across the federal government which enables public servants to connect through shared experience, knowledge, groups or interests.
*'''[ GCIntranet]''' is an authoritative, central communications channel to reach all public servants. Makes it faster and easier to find information and tools public servants need to do their jobs and collaborate across institutions.
*'''[ GCpedia]''' is a knowledge-sharing tool designed to facilitate collaboration and co-creation of information.
*'''[[gccollab:newsfeed|GCcollab]]''' is a networking and collaborative workspace open to all Canadian public servants (federal, provincial and territorial), academics and students, as well as to all Canadians by invitation.
*[[Main Page|'''GCwiki''']] is a public wiki hosted by the Government of Canada to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing.
*'''[ GCdirectory]''' is a directory of federal public servants to help you find a colleague.
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===<span class="checkbox" aria-hidden="true">&#10004;</span>Learn about GCDocs (ATSSC's records repository) ===
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GCdocs is the official Electronic Document Records Management Solution (EDRMS) of the Government of Canada, used by the ATSSC as its primary repository for corporate information and electronic documents.
While internal services and most secretariats have access to GCdocs, please note that Canada Industrial Relations Board, Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board and Social Security Tribunal secretariats are not currently using the ATSSC's IT infrastructure and therefore do not have access to GCdocs. If you work for one of these secretariats, please speak with your manager to find out more about where key information can be accessed and saved for your work unit.
*[https://gcdocs/gcdocs/cs.exe/1990316/GCdocs&#x20;Training&#x20;-&#x20;English&#x20;-&#x20;Windows10&#x20;-&#x20;edited.mp4/gcdocs/cs.exe/1990316/GCdocs_Training_-_English_-_Windows10_-_edited.mp4?func=Edit.Edit&reqp=0&nodeid=1990316&ReadOnly=True&VerNum=-2 GCDocs Tutorial] (network access required)
*[https://gcdocs/gcdocs/cs.exe?func=ll&objId=224016&objAction=browse GCDocs Resources] (network access required)
*[https://gcdocs/gcdocs/llisapi.dll?func=llworkspace Access GCDocs] (network access required)
Visit the [ Information Management intranet page] for information, resources and best practices.
'''All questions related to Information Management can be sent to: {{em|}} .'''
<div class="section col-sm-12 col-md-8" id="role">
<h2>Information about your pay and benefits (including leave)</h2>
<p>'''Note:''' Government of Canada systems and applications, such as [ MyGCPay], [ Phoenix], and the [ Pension Portal], are secure. '''To sign in, your [[Media:PRI myKEY.docx|PRI and myKEY]] are required.'''</p>
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'''<big>When and how do I get paid?</big>'''
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<p>'''Payday is every second Wednesday.''' Your pay is for work completed up to and including the end of the day, two Wednesdays before. This means that you get paid for 10 days, from Thursday to Wednesday, for work that concluded two weeks previously.</p>
<p>For employees who are new to the public service, you can expect to receive your first pay three weeks after your start date.</p>
<p>For employees transferring to the ATSSC from another federal government department, you will continue to be paid by your former department until such time as your pay file has been transferred to the ATSSC Compensation and Benefits Team.</p>
<p>The federal government uses '''direct deposit''' to electronically transfer your pay to your bank account.</p>
<p>For all questions about pay and benefits, please send an email to: {{em|}}</p>
*[ How public service pay works]
*[ Public Service Pay Calendar]
*[ Rates of pay for public service employees]
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'''<big>Should I access “MyGCPay” to view my pay statements?</big>'''
'''<big>Qu’est-ce que Phénix et quand dois-je y accéder?</big>'''
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<p>Yes. The [ MyGCPay] Web application was designed for viewing one’s pay statement in addition to the following functions:
<p>[ Phénix] est l’application de paye et d’avantages sociaux du gouvernement du Canada. Accédez à [ Phénix] pour les fonctions libre-service pour :
* Helping you better understand information regarding your pay and benefits
*Providing the ability to print important documents, like tax slips and proof of employment
*Accessing historical information, paycheques, benefits plans, enquiries, dating back to 2016
* Gérer les renseignements sur les dépôts directs et les retenues volontaires
*[ Find out more about MyGCPay]
* Gérer la couverture en vertu du Régime de soins de santé de la fonction publique
* Mettre à jour les relations employé-gestionnaire
* Déclarer les heures
* Voir les états de paie et les feuillets d’impôt (bien que, nous suggérons que [ MaPayeGC] est la meilleure application pour ce faire)
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'''<big>What is Phoenix and when do I need to access it?</big>'''
'''<big>Vais-je recevoir des prestations et, dans l’affirmative, lesquelles?</big>'''
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<p>[ Phoenix] is the Government of Canada's pay and benefits application. Access [ Phoenix] for self-service functions to:
<p>Les renseignements relatifs aux avantages sociaux qui vous sont propres vous seront fournis par votre conseiller en rémunération. Veuillez communiquer avec un membre de l’Équipe de rémunération et avantages sociaux à {{em|}} si vous avez des questions.  
*Manage direct deposit information and voluntary deductions
<p>Pour toute question portant précisément sur les pensions, veuillez communiquer avec le [ Centre des pensions] au 1-800-561-7930 (ou le [ Portail de la pension] pour les participants au régime).
*Manage coverage under the Public Service Health Care Plan
*Update employee-to-manager relationships
*Report time
*View payroll statements and tax slips (though, we suggest [ MyGCPay] is the better application for this)
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* <p>Consultez la page [ Documents de référence pertinents] (vous trouverez des liens vers les conventions collectives et les politiques et directives pertinentes)
'''<big>Will I receive benefits and if so, what are they?</big>'''
* <p>[ Bienvenue au régime de retraite de la fonction publique]</p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* <p>Série de vidéos : [ Votre régime de pension et vous]</p>
<p>Information related to benefits that are specific to you, will be provided to you by your Compensation Advisor. Please contact a member of the Compensation and Benefits Team at {{em|}} if you have any questions.
* <p>''[ Loi sur la pension de la fonction publique]'' (LPFP)</p>
<p>For questions related specifically to pension, please contact the [ Pension Centre] at 1-800-561-7930 (or the [ Pension Portal] for plan members).
* <p>''[ Règlement sur la pension de la fonction publique]'' (RPFP)</p>
* <p>[ Régime de retraite de la fonction publique]</p>
*Consult the [ Relevant authorities] page (you will find links to collective agreements and relevant policies and directives)
* <p>[ Régime de soins de santé de la fonction publique] (administré par [ Canada Vie] et [ MSH International] pour [ Assistance voyage d'urgence] et la protection totale)</p>
*[ Welcome to the Public Service Pension Plan]
* <p>[ Régime de soins dentaires de la fonction publique] (administré par [ Canada Vie])</p>
*[ You and Your Pension Plan] video series
* <p>[ Régime d’assurance pour les cadres de gestion de la fonction publique] (s’applique aux cadres supérieurs, aux employés exclus et non représentés)</p>
*''[ Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA)]''
* <p>[ Régime d’assurance-invalidité pour la fonction publique]</p></div>
*''[,_c._1358/index.html Public Service Superannuation Regulations (PSSR)]''
*[ Public Service Pension Plan]
*[ Public Service Health Care Plan]
*[ Public Service Dental Care Plan]
*[ Public Service Management Insurance Plan] (applies to executives, excluded, and unrepresented employees)
*[ Disability Insurance Plan]
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'''<big>What are my leave entitlements and how do I request leave?</big>'''
'''<big>À quels congés suis-je admissible et comment puis-je en faire la demande?</big>'''
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<p>Leave entitlements are outlined in [ relevant authorities]. For questions on interpretation, please ask your manager or send an e-mail to the Labour Relations team: {{em|}}.   
<p>Les congés auxquels vous avez droit sont énoncés dans les [ Documents de référence pertinents]. Pour toute question d’interprétation, veuillez demander à votre gestionnaire. Les gestionnaires qui recherchent des conseils peuvent envoyer un courriel à l’équipe des Relations de travail à l'adresse {{em|}}.   
</p><p>For additional information on leave, please consult the [ Taking leave] page.
</p><p>Pour de plus amples renseignements sur les congés, veuillez consulter la page [ Demandes de congé].
</p><p>'''Requesting Leave:'''
</p><p>'''Demandes de congé :'''
</p><p>The '''Human Resources Information System (HRIS)''' is the self-serve system used by the ATSSC employees to request paid leave, such as vacation leave, sick leave, various family-related leave, etc. HRIS Leave Self-serve also allows you to view your leave balances and the history of the leave you have taken.
</p><p>Employees who are entitled to paid leave—i.e., indeterminate or term (full-time/part-time) employees whose pay is being managed by the ATSSC Compensation and Benefits Team—can create a HRIS account.
</p><p><small>'''Note:''' If you have transferred to the ATSSC from another federal government department, only once your pay file has been transferred to the ATSSC will you be able to create an HRIS Leave Self-serve user account. If you are on secondment at the ATSSC, your pay continues to be managed by your home department (or the Public Service Pay Centre) and you will not have access to the HRIS.</small>
</p><p>For more information on HRIS, including <span style="color:#C00000">'''special instructions for employees of the Social Security Tribunal secretariat'''</span>, please visit our [ '''HRIS intranet page'''].
*<p>[ MesRHGC] est le système de gestion des ressources humaines (RH) du SCDATA. Il comprend un module libre-service par lequel le personnel du SCDATA demandent des congés, tels que les congés annuels, les congés de maladie, divers congés familiaux, etc.  </p><p>Pour de plus amples renseignements sur MesRHGC, veuillez visiter notre [ page intranet MesRHGC]. et la page GCwiki [[MesRHGC au SCDATA]].<br /></p>

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