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December 11, 2024 - GCWP - Fall Economic Statement, Page feedback tool
Back to GC Web Priorities Meetings - Réunions des Priorités Web du GC
- Fall Economic Statement (FIN)
- Page feedback tool (L. Stewart)
Public Safety launched Phase 1 of the Assault Style Firearms Compensation Program (ASFCP) on December 6 for businesses to begin the compensation process for their eligible inventories. Phase 2 work for compensation by firearms owners is underway with a launch sometime in early Spring 2025.; Programme d'indemnisation pour les armes à feu de style arme d'assaut -
Fall Economic Statement (FES) was officially announced for Monday, December 16.
CBSA - CBSA has archived its guide to importing and associated checklist. Point to CARM pages or commercial importing recommend adding link here Importing goods into Canada AND also to CARM: CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management project
Health Canada - 1st level topic pages moved to the new template!
RCMP - We are rolling out our new newsroom to our provincial divisions this week.
ISED - business theme is almost completely cleaned up (lots of redundant pages redirected and deleted)
IRCC - We launched the online passport renewals for a very small percent of the population (20 applications a day). We also fully launched a revamped version of our "My application page" that rearranges the content in a more sequential manner. My application -
You can try your luck and see if you are shown the option on the Renew your passport page: How to renew a passport in Canada -
CRA - Per my chat last week about H1's, we noticed DTO templates have different models when citing the institution. Ie. Transparency: [Institution] vs Accessibility at [Institution name]
I just wanted to flag for DTO, so we can explore standardizing the approach.
DTO: Jobs A/B test is coming soon
Version B of the theme page A/B test:
Page Feedback Tool
Feedback redaction prototype:
The tool will now automatically scrub out personal data that is inputted. It will let the user know what is being removed. The user can then edit their response or submit as is
We made some small updates to the accessibility templates to reflect the new progress reports. / Nous avons apporté quelques petites mises à jour des modèles d'accessibilité afin de refléter les nouveaux rapports d’étape sur l’accessibilité.
ENG: Accessibility at [Institution name]
FRA : Accessibilité à [nom de l’institution]
Accessibility progress reports at [Institution name]
FRA : Rapports d’étape sur l’accessibilité pour [Nom de l’institution]