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NWT: Challenge around amount of info beyond health, too much content for the existing IA structure to hold,  moved to standardize and created a new site to handle this, would like to learn more about virtual assistants/chatbots from others
NWT: Challenge around amount of info beyond health, too much content for the existing IA structure to hold,  moved to standardize and created a new site to handle this, would like to learn more about virtual assistants/chatbots from others
YK: Content type, outgrew that and embedded into main website which is working ok, need to do more UX testing, hard to do that with rate of content going out, uploading a bunch of .pdfs which isn’t ideal, need to look at better maintaining web standard
YK: Content type, outgrew that and embedded into main website which is working ok, need to do more UX testing, hard to do that with rate of content going out, uploading a bunch of .pdfs which isn’t ideal, need to look at better maintaining web standard
PEI: Overload of info, trying to maintain standards, mental state of employees at the pace of things, colourful content requests, posting guidance that often changes daily, not doing ux testing, but seeing (from social media feedback etc.) that people are frustrated with the constantly changing content
PEI: Overload of info, trying to maintain standards, mental state of employees at the pace of things, colourful content requests, posting guidance that often changes daily, not doing ux testing, but seeing (from social media feedback etc.) that people are frustrated with the constantly changing content
NS: Echo PEI, changing content and timeframes compressed, difficult to stick with content structure (IA), trying to line up IA with changing goals of site has been tough, more and more stakeholders at the table (started as public health) bringing lots of other objectives, challenge to coordinate coherent messaging
NS: Echo PEI, changing content and timeframes compressed, difficult to stick with content structure (IA), trying to line up IA with changing goals of site has been tough, more and more stakeholders at the table (started as public health) bringing lots of other objectives, challenge to coordinate coherent messaging
QC: Many requests to publish programs, in a hurry, difficult to remember the principles (accessibility/usability, etc.), often caught doing "digital rescue in realtime", social media - lots of announcements, but no answers to questions immediately. Blog about the experience:  (in French only)
QC: Many requests to publish programs, in a hurry, difficult to remember the principles (accessibility/usability, etc.), often caught doing "digital rescue in realtime", social media - lots of announcements, but no answers to questions immediately. Blog about the experience:  (in French only)
ON:  Similar challenges across the country, trying to keep up with the pace, trying to keep a good user experience, but needing to remediate after sometimes in order to get info up and out, 2 steps forward/1 step back, on-call around the clock - evenings and weekends, work/life balance doesn’t exist as COVID doesn’t sleep, trying to keep the enthusiasm as dealing with content demands. Self-assessment tool: up quick, MVP approach, in open source community, people using this code outside of GOV, user testing, shorter release cycles, how do you integrate with old school systems, challenges with COVID response overall,  adjusting process and approval times (approval blockers coming back recently, GOV rate of change compared to the pace of the file has been a challenge – pushing boundaries), user research sessions kicked off today, asks for solutions from stakeholders (political, executives, etc.), seeing value from ux
ON:  Similar challenges across the country, trying to keep up with the pace, trying to keep a good user experience, but needing to remediate after sometimes in order to get info up and out, 2 steps forward/1 step back, on-call around the clock - evenings and weekends, work/life balance doesn’t exist as COVID doesn’t sleep, trying to keep the enthusiasm as dealing with content demands. Self-assessment tool: up quick, MVP approach, in open source community, people using this code outside of GOV, user testing, shorter release cycles, how do you integrate with old school systems, challenges with COVID response overall,  adjusting process and approval times (approval blockers coming back recently, GOV rate of change compared to the pace of the file has been a challenge – pushing boundaries), user research sessions kicked off today, asks for solutions from stakeholders (political, executives, etc.), seeing value from ux
MB: Same challenges in other jurisdictions, needed to put a central site together really quickly without being able to tackle plain language, usability testing, etc., pace of content development is really high, challenges re interpretation of public health content (what is guidance and what is an order), successful consultation w/ engageMB: asking businesses on what they need for reopening, how does the public health order apply to their business - this took pressure off call centre and social channels
MB: Same challenges in other jurisdictions, needed to put a central site together really quickly without being able to tackle plain language, usability testing, etc., pace of content development is really high, challenges re interpretation of public health content (what is guidance and what is an order), successful consultation w/ engageMB: asking businesses on what they need for reopening, how does the public health order apply to their business - this took pressure off call centre and social channels
SK: Echo everything.  Phase 3 reopening is happening quite rapidly, looking for consistency across the site/pages, daily/weekly updates need to be applied across all appropriate pages, govt very sensitive to social media - adds pressure to fill content gaps, being pulled into non-COVID work now so capacity issues
SK: Echo everything.  Phase 3 reopening is happening quite rapidly, looking for consistency across the site/pages, daily/weekly updates need to be applied across all appropriate pages, govt very sensitive to social media - adds pressure to fill content gaps, being pulled into non-COVID work now so capacity issues