GC Diversity Initiatives - Initiatives De Diversité Du GC

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There are numerous initiatives springing up throughout government at the local, regional and national level, aiming to make the Federal workplace more diverse, inclusive and anti-racist. This is a centralized page where employees of any department can share what they are working on in order to aid in breaking down silos, increasing collaboration and spreading diversity and inclusion best practices within the public service.

In the first column please indicates the main driver behind your initiative. This can be networking, career development, employee retention, hiring practices, performance Management, employee networks etc. In the second column please provide a brief overview of the initiative and in the third column please include any links or resources along with the contact details of origanisers. along with links to resources if applicable and the contact information for the organizers of the initiative.

If you need assistance in adding your initiative to the below table please contact

Area of Focus / Domaine d'intérêt Tell us about your initiative / Parlez-nous de votre initiative Links, Resources and Contact Details / Liens Ressources et coordonnées

Should you have difficulty adding a row to the below chart you can copy and paste the table and email Muhammedalikhan@canada.ca to have it uploaded for you.