CFR Covid-19 Resources

Revision as of 13:22, 5 October 2020 by Cfr-crf (talk | contribs)
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CFR Resources Amid COVID-19


CFR Resources Amid COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 situation, the CFR has compiled the following list of resources that may be useful to regulatory staff across government.

If you have a resource that you think would be helpful to others, we ask that you send it to the CFR at so that we may add it to the list. In the coming days and weeks, the CFR will be adding material to this list as it becomes available.

Articles, Blogs and Reports

C&E Resources

Compilation of Regulatory e-Learning

Are you looking to advance your skills and knowledge to broaden your regulatory experience and career prospects? The CFR has compiled a list of e-learning resources to help you! These e-courses have been organized and correlated to various aspects of the regulatory lifecycle. This will make it easy to identify the areas most relevant to your current experience and career aspirations.

This project began due to virtual learning needs amid COVID-19, however our goal is to continue to build on this compilation to help you meet your learning plan and professional development needs.

Please contact us at if you know of a free online course that would be helpful to fellow regulators.

Upcoming CFR Event: Insights from a Rules as Code Pilot Project

Drafting rules into computer code, so they can easily be understood by our tech, can enable us to make better rules. That is the premise behind Rules as Code. To better understand how the federal government could leverage such an exercise to improve program and service design/delivery, an experimental pilot project was undertaken last year to test the process and provide insights. Join us for a presentation and discussion on what was learned from Phase I of this project including:

  • How quickly a Rules as Code pilot may be completed…and why you should do it;
  • What kind of support and resources you will need; and
  • What Phase II will look like and what we hope to accomplish.

This project was led though a partnership between ESDC’s Labour Program, the Canada School of Public Service and the CFR.

Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Time: 1:30 pm to 3 pm


  • Scott McNaughton, Senior Project Lead, Canada School of Public Service
  • Danijela Hong, Director, Labour Standards and Wage Earner Protection Program, Labour Program
  • Marek Bilinski, Legislative Council, Department of Justice
  • Charles Duperreault, Legislative Council, Department of Justice

Register today!


Additional Resources